Kindly inform the correct updated API to use intead the one mentioned in the tutorial as it has now become deprecated.
How to Solve Intel HAXM Error in Android Studio
Iam getting an error instead of the selected video and iam also getting a toast message soment went wrong that is written inside "OnInitializationfailure" method.How can I solve this and get the video playing on the screen.Thankyou.
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Outline:Create a new project in Google cloud Generate the API key and save it Enable the YouTube API How to use YouTubePlayerView provided by YouTube Initialize the view to play a video from YouTube, by giving the video ID Download the YouTubeAndroidPlayerApi.jar file from the developers website Copy the above file in the Android Studio project Source code for YouTube player cueVideo method Run the Kotlin App and play the video
Create a new project in Google cloud Generate the API key and save it Enable the YouTube API How to use YouTubePlayerView provided by YouTube Initialize the view to play a video from YouTube, by giving the video ID Download the YouTubeAndroidPlayerApi.jar file from the developers website Copy the above file in the Android Studio project Source code for YouTube player cueVideo method Run the Kotlin App and play the video
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