When can I register for the exam. Can we register for the exam whenever we are ready or is there a specific date in which we should appear for the exam?. Can I get the complete details about this.
analogWrite(fwdbuttonState == LOW ? ICpin2 : ICpin7, motorValue); digitalWrite(fwdbuttonState == LOW ? ICpin7 : ICpin2, motorValue);kindly give explanation for these two lines, how can we change directions we have not used bckbuttonState variable.
At time 9: 30 in the tutorial the input to the Function map (potvalue, 0,1023,0,255) is not explained. and At time 9: 45 in the tutorial the input to the Function analogWrite (fwdbuttonState == Low ? ICpin2: ICpin7,motorvalue); digitalWrite (fwdbuttonState == Low ? ICpin2: ICpin7,motorvalue);is not explained properly..Thanks!
analogWrite(fwdbuttonState == LOW ? ICpin2 : ICpin7, motorValue);in above line how motor value (digital value) can be written by analogWrite cammond?also in video two line are as analogWrite(fwdbuttonState == LOW ? ICpin2 : ICpin7, motorValue);digitalWrite(fwdbuttonState == LOW ? ICpin7 : ICpin2, motorValue);whereas in source code lines are as analogWrite(fwdbuttonState == LOW ? ICpin2 : ICpin7, motorValue);digitalWrite(fwdbuttonState == LOW ? ICpin7 : ICpin2, LOW);why discrepancy like this ?also why you have used analogWrite in above line and digitalWrite in below line? why it is not digitalWrite in both lines?relpy soon...
Would you please explain the if condition of the program and why was it used? Also why we are using digitalWrite in the conditional loop and also what does "if fwdbuttonstate==LOW?ICpin2" and "if fwdbuttonstate==LOW?ICpin7" means??
In the if statements there r two functions analogwrite() & digital(), analogwrite() is to power up the selected icpin2/7 depending on the conditional logic, with motor value but idint understand why u r using digital wrte()
Sir,I have a small doubt that can we give the potentiometer value through arduino code itself instead of rotating the knob of potentiometer. If so please let me know.
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Outline:Pulse width modulation के बारे मे Duty cycle और frequency के बारे मे Duty cycle की गणना करने के लिए फॉर्मूला Duty cycle के बदलने से LED की चमक को नियंत्रित करने के लिए परिक्षण DC motor की गति और दिशा को नियंत्रित करने के लिए परिक्षण उपरोक्त परिक्षणो के सर्किट कनेक्शन समझाना कनेक्शन का लाइव सेटअप उपरोक्त परिक्षणो के लिए सोर्स कोड प्रोग्राम को कम्पाइल और अपलोड करना आउटपुट को दिखाना
Pulse width modulation के बारे मे Duty cycle और frequency के बारे मे Duty cycle की गणना करने के लिए फॉर्मूला Duty cycle के बदलने से LED की चमक को नियंत्रित करने के लिए परिक्षण DC motor की गति और दिशा को नियंत्रित करने के लिए परिक्षण उपरोक्त परिक्षणो के सर्किट कनेक्शन समझाना कनेक्शन का लाइव सेटअप उपरोक्त परिक्षणो के लिए सोर्स कोड प्रोग्राम को कम्पाइल और अपलोड करना आउटपुट को दिखाना
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