How to upload a assignment
// My First C Program#include <stdio.h>int main(){ printf("welcome to the world of C \n "); return 0;}Mohan S19ECE16
//welcome to the world of c#include<stdio.h>int main() { Printf("welcome to the world of c") ; return 0;}
#include<stdio.h>int main(){ printf("welcome to the world of c"); return 0;}
i have used notepad++ to write the command when i try to run command in terminal using gcc talk.c -o myoutput it is showing this error gcc.exe: error: talk.c: No such file or directorygcc.exe: error: myoutpout: No such file or directorygcc.exe: fatal error: no input filescompilation terminated. pls help me and explain it step by step
Hi Everyone, can someone please advice on the above?I have ready gedit installed.gedit is already the newest version (3.36.2-0ubuntu1).
I want my spoken tutorial certificate
What is the name of the first C program in the problems?
#include<stdio.h>#include<conio.h>void main(){ printf("hello world");}
After install gcc and g++ compiler in system how can i set path for system variables .
sir how to install gcc compiler and text editor for window computer ?
if /n is not used what changes in output
gcc installation completed butgedit' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.
how do we open and type on win os?
need help!win11'gcc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file."
how to to the debugging if someone is using notepad++ and cmd
When you said type( ls -lrt ), but when i type it on window compiler i did't get any result.
Sir, how to compile using Windows OS in mingw gcc compiler when my program is typed in notepad++ application.
Is it necessary to install notepad++ to compile and execute the program or we can use notepad.? if yes what is the procedure to be followed? I m using windows 10 OS.
Sir, what is the process of getting output in notepad++?
Respected Sir/Madam,During Compiling the program this kind of errors are showing in dialogue box."The program can't start because zlib1.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem".Kindly attend our query and guide us to resolve said problem Thanking YourProf. V. G. IngoleGovernment Polytechnic,Murtizapur,Maharashtra.
How to do assignment
Whai is ak c programming
Please let me know about the procedure for assignment submission
which user c in system our human life
Hello everyone, i downloaded gcc compiler from chooclatety website using window power shell . Now following the steps given in the tutorial i coded in notepad++ but the program is no compiling & giving the following error in window power shell. pls tell what to do to ??? PS C:\Windows\system32> gcc talk.c -o output parametergcc.exe: error: talk.c: No such file or directorygcc.exe: error: parameter: No such file or directorygcc.exe: fatal error: no input filescompilation terminated.PS C:\Windows\system32>
Is it mandatory that we should work on "gcc" compiler only ?? can we use any other compiler like turbo c++?Because even after trying to install two i am still getting an error message saying that"C:\Users\91805>gcc -v'gcc' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file."
28. In Variable value, type the location where the bin file is present. 29. Add a semicolon (;) before adding the path. For example: ;C:/MinGW/bin 30. This will avoid overwriting the paths you have set previously. 31. Now, open the command prompt and type gcc -v and press Enter. where is "command prompt"???. there is no command prompt in Edit system variable. I am using Windows 8.1 pro
What is C program
kindly suggest some other compiler because i'm unable to install in windows pc .
what is mean by compile mam
We have windows OS 10 only in our college. I installed gcc and g++ compilers and notepad ++ in all PCs. Can you kindly provide step by step procedure to write compile and run c and cpp programs using these editors and notepad++. It is a humble request. In instruction sheet ,It is not given properly.
Dear Sir/Madam, I have successfully installed MinGW compiler on my \r\nsystem in windows environment. But in tutorial segment the demo has been\r\n given only of program execution in ubuntu operating system. So kindly \r\nguide me how to use this MinGW compiler in windows environment.Thanks & regardsSuneel
Respected Sir, i am from gpt trichy. how to download the videos. it will be used to show the video offline. thanking u.regards,vijay...
Sir I am not able to compile my talk.c program using gcc in windows 10.I have written the program in notepad++ and have installed the gcc compiler in D drive in the minGW directory.on the command prompt when i give the command gcc talk.c -o myoutput then it does not give any error but not even any successful compilation mgs.Please give the step by step procedure to compile and run the program.
Respected sir,All tutorials are based on ubuntu. How can I use it in windows is?Please sir too much confusion..Thank you
got the error on terminal as command 'gcc' not found
Dear Sir/Madam, I have successfully installed MinGW compiler on my \r\nwindows 7 system . But in tutorial segment the demo has \r\nbeen given only of program execution in ubuntu operating system. We have\r\n done compilation of the program also but how to run that program? o \r\n-myoutput command is not executing in windows. So \r\nkindly guide me how to run that programThanks & regardsAshish
I am using windows 10, I am typing my program in notepad++ after typing I dont know where to shave my file or how to use command prompt to run my program. I am trying instruction given in video and the Instruction sheet. Please help me.
Can we compile a program without main() function?
What is the use of header files as used in C programming?
hi sir, In C & CPP - we will be using Compiler my Question IS: 1) what is the use of Linker 2) In case , if i use Interpreter , to WHOM i should forward Object files ??? [ for Execution ]
Dear Sir/Madam, I have performed all the steps as mentioned in the installation and instruction sheets regarding installation of MinGW compiler in windows operating system. In the tutorial the process to execute and create the program in linux is expained but there is no demonstration of how to use MinGW compiler in windows environment. So please explain this.
what is friend and inline function in c++?
Can we use /* */ for comments in First C program?
Why GCC command used?
Can we use C language for Interfacing Programming?
Why C still a basic language of programming
how to run the code in Min GW compiler
Sir how to complete assignment on mobile or we ha to do it on mobile
Respected sir,We need a complete procedure of compilation of simple c program in windows("cmd").
Can we use two main functions in a single program
how to import any video lecture from my collection on spoken tutorial?how to dub that video?
there are 2 problems 1. in the video , at 6 : 35 ,when i enter it there is an gcc error "showing file not found "2. and where we have to save the file after typing the code in notepad++.(after video time 5:50)
library projects what type will be create
Sir,while uploading masterbatch file we are getting the message "The file you uploaded is not a valid CSV file, please add a valid CSV file"
when i try to run program with the help of gcc compiler on windows with help of minGW. It is showing zlib1.dll file missing how to fix this error???
I would like to know which books to refer if in need!
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Outline: -ആദ്യത്തെ C പ്രോഗ്രാം -Header Files --ഉദാഹരണം: #include -main() -Curly braces -printf() -semicolon ; -ഒരു C പ്രോഗ്രാമിന്റെ Compiling --ഉദാഹരണം: gcc filename.c -o output parameter -ഒരു C പ്രോഗ്രാമിന്റെ Executing --ഉദാഹരണം: ./output parameter -Errors
-ആദ്യത്തെ C പ്രോഗ്രാം -Header Files --ഉദാഹരണം: #include -main() -Curly braces -printf() -semicolon ; -ഒരു C പ്രോഗ്രാമിന്റെ Compiling --ഉദാഹരണം: gcc filename.c -o output parameter -ഒരു C പ്രോഗ്രാമിന്റെ Executing --ഉദാഹരണം: ./output parameter -Errors
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