Half-Day Online Pilot Workshop on AutoDock4 on 9 August 2024, 2:00 pm to 5.30 pm. Click here to register.

Making a protective face cover at home - Manipuri

159 visits


1. The need to wear a face cover 2. Important warning for health care workers 3. Important warning for COVID-19 patients 4. Safety precautions regarding the homemade face cover 5. Procedure to make a face cover with a sewing machine *Items required to make the face cover 6. Procedure to make a face cover without a sewing machine *Items required to make the face cover 7. Precautions to take before wearing the face cover 8. Precautions to take while removing the face cover 9. Sanitizing the face cover 10. Storing the face cover

Width:1280 Height:720
Duration:00:11:02 Size:7.5 MB

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