can't really figure out the purpose of it...
Whats the difference between primary menu and secondary menu?
What is the significance of a node in the structure? can it have more child nodes ?
this is the interface i have . i want to change the site name from tutorial to "Drupal 8 training" do i do this?in the video its "drupal 8"
In tutorial it shows the admin tool bar in horizontal direction. But for it comes in vertical direction.How to change it?Why it comes like that?
what does "shortcut icon" option does? want to change the shorcuts logo from star to drupal it possible.i also wnat to remove shortcuts it possible?
124 visits
Outline:Admin Interface مدیریت محتوا در Drupal Interface مرور Administration نوار ابزار Appearance-ظاهر, Structure-ساختار, Content-آیتم های منو :محتوا کاربر فوق العاده چیست - Superuser Sub-section و Sub-Menus, Section Tabs دکمه های Shortcuts-ایجاد کردن میانبر
Admin Interface مدیریت محتوا در Drupal Interface مرور Administration نوار ابزار Appearance-ظاهر, Structure-ساختار, Content-آیتم های منو :محتوا کاربر فوق العاده چیست - Superuser Sub-section و Sub-Menus, Section Tabs دکمه های Shortcuts-ایجاد کردن میانبر
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