This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (MiKTeX 2.9)\r\nentering extended mode\r\n(C:/Users/Admin/Desktop/Latex/third3.tex\r\nLaTeX2e <2015/10/01> patch level 2\r\nBabel <3.9n> and hyphenation patterns for 69 languages loaded.\r\n("C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\MiKTeX 2.9\\tex\\latex\\base\\article.cls"\r\nDocument Class: article 2014/09/29 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class\r\n("C:\\Users\\Admin\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\MiKTeX 2.9\\tex\\latex\\base\\size12.clo"))\r\n (third3.aux) (third3.toc)\r\n! Undefined control sequence.\r\nl.10 \\chapter\r\n {First Chapter}\r\n?
How to insert '&' ,@, # like special characters in between the sentnces
What is the command to go to next page
Hello i am a beginer and i am having some problems with _When i use the "_" Character there is an error telling ! Missing $ inserted
Sometimes the word get displayed on generated pdf on two different line with - (hyphen). E.g.Mathe-maticsHow to eliminate it?
What is exactly difference in Article and Report in Latex?
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Outline:Report Writing report style having chapter, section and subsection article style having section, subsection and subsubsection Automatic generation of table of contents toc file to store the information that goes into the table of contents Automatic numbering of section numbers Appendix; its appearance in report and article style exiting from LaTeX when a compilation error occurs
Report Writing report style having chapter, section and subsection article style having section, subsection and subsubsection Automatic generation of table of contents toc file to store the information that goes into the table of contents Automatic numbering of section numbers Appendix; its appearance in report and article style exiting from LaTeX when a compilation error occurs
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