While entering the below command on command prompt,grep --color vmx /proc/cpuinfo I encountered an error as - "'grep' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file."What could be the reason for such an error and how to fix it?
Hi all, none of the videos are playing fully, it plays for 2 mins and then ends automatically. Any idea how to fix this problem?
Which is best Linux distribution?
What is linux distribution? Why there are several linux distribution?
Could you please give the Shortcut key to close terminal.
Use Python 3.5.2Use Ipython version 5.1.0IPython is an enhanced interactive Python interpreter.
Side by Side method how it will work?
Could you please include the command lines to open desktop applications like firefox in terminal commands
Can we export the document to the drive directly from Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine
Why the installation has failed?
What are the key aspects of sed command in LINUX?
How to customize or assign shortcut to desktop application ?
What are difference between Ubuntu Linux and Window 10 desktop?
Why Linux is said to be safer then Windows?
what is the shortcut to close any application (Like Windows ALT + F4)
how to save the file in the linux?
How to understand Ubuntu and Linux in comparison with Windows? What is Ubuntu, Why Linux is needed for Ubuntu ?
While using synaptic package manager, there is exist the list available package which we need to download package or it will be available in offline
what is gedit application usage?
Can you list the applications available in ubuntu 16.04 that is not available in windows
What is the shortcut ket to enter in to gedit?
What is the shortcut key to close the terminal window?
Why is it that all applications are to be searched in the search option \r\nlike searching for gtext, searching for calculator, searching for \r\nterminal etc, rather can i see all icons as in windows for all \r\navailable applications?
The settings icon is not available by default in the launcher. I had to open it by searching in the launcher. How do I make it available in the launcher by default?
is there any software available to make videos similar to windows movie maker and for to play audio file ?
What is Ubuntu?
Can i add Q.B.
61901 visits
Outline:Ubuntu Linux Desktop 16.04 Ubuntu Linux Desktop on gnome environment The launcher Some of the icons visible on Launcher Calculator, gedit Text Editor, Terminal, Firefox Web Browser, Videos LibreOffice Suite components The Home folder
Ubuntu Linux Desktop 16.04 Ubuntu Linux Desktop on gnome environment The launcher Some of the icons visible on Launcher Calculator, gedit Text Editor, Terminal, Firefox Web Browser, Videos LibreOffice Suite components The Home folder
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