What is shell? You said that when we started Linux, shell process started as soon as. But if I open my device and if I not open my shell/command interpreter, then why will it started shell?
Can we copy a directory to another directory
Sir, kindly mention how to create file in linux? As you have only explained how to create directories in linux
Can -i be used in moving multiple files to avoid overwriting when destination directory contains files with same name as that of moving?
What is the role of CP -R command in Linux
Sir, what cat and wc full form want to knw and we use cat but in what purpose we are using.
Any linux projects in the current IT field
How to handle Regular files?
How MV Command works in Linux Operating System?
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Outline:रेग्युलर सञ्चिकायाः सह कार्यम् cat rm cp mv cmp wc
रेग्युलर सञ्चिकायाः सह कार्यम् cat rm cp mv cmp wc
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