My question is if any student has not submitted his assignment n it comes as drafted Can a teacher send a message to the students or there will be some pop up coming up to tell he has kept his assignment in drafted form n he has not finally submittedSecond student was very regular in submitting assignment but one assignment he does nt submit till the end in this case can a teacher send message as reminder
Dear Team, I have added 80 users and assign then role student to my course , but when i click on ,participant and then click on see all pa i am only able to to name of 74 students out of 80 and across the name of last student i don't find the active link as well as delete as well as gear icon please help.
While enrolling usersNumber of participants are seen as 43 students and 1 teacherBut for number it is not seen 4 enrolled users near course title
I am watching video Enroll students and communicate in moodleAfter creating two groups , one of assignment I am not able to see the screen as shown at time 05:38.Also after clicking on participants of navigation menu don't get the select tab
coding error detected it must be fixed by a programmer failed to unserialise data from file Either failed to read, or failed to write in
Can you please distinguish between group and grouping? Suppose there are two teachers in a course who are teaching to different classes but having course context in common. I have enrolled all the participants to a course. So, can I restrict teachers to see only their students for a course?Kindly help me out for this!
146 visits
Outline:'कोर्स्' मध्ये नामाङ्कितान् उपयोक्तॄणां परिशीलनम् 'कोर्स्' मध्ये उपयोक्तॄणां योगदान- परिशीलनम् मूडल् 'कोर्स्' मध्ये उपयोक्तॄणां संयोजनम् 'कोर्स्' मध्ये गणनिर्माणम् 'कोर्स्' इत्यस्मै छात्राणां संयोजनम् 'कोर्स्'इत्यस्मात् छात्राणां निष्कासनम् ''कोर्स्' मध्ये भागगृहीतृभ्यः सन्देशप्रेषणम् सर्वेभ्यः भागगृहीतृभ्यः एकमेव विषयप्रेषणम् 'कोर्स्' मध्ये भागगृहीतृषु चितेभ्यः टिप्पणी-प्रेषणम् ' मूडल् ' मध्ये एकस्याः टिप्पण्याः सन्दर्भः
'कोर्स्' मध्ये नामाङ्कितान् उपयोक्तॄणां परिशीलनम् 'कोर्स्' मध्ये उपयोक्तॄणां योगदान- परिशीलनम् मूडल् 'कोर्स्' मध्ये उपयोक्तॄणां संयोजनम् 'कोर्स्' मध्ये गणनिर्माणम् 'कोर्स्' इत्यस्मै छात्राणां संयोजनम् 'कोर्स्'इत्यस्मात् छात्राणां निष्कासनम् ''कोर्स्' मध्ये भागगृहीतृभ्यः सन्देशप्रेषणम् सर्वेभ्यः भागगृहीतृभ्यः एकमेव विषयप्रेषणम् 'कोर्स्' मध्ये भागगृहीतृषु चितेभ्यः टिप्पणी-प्रेषणम् ' मूडल् ' मध्ये एकस्याः टिप्पण्याः सन्दर्भः
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