Hello,First of all, thank you to the Spoken tutorial team and Saurabh Sawant for this tutorial.I successfully created the geometry in Salome and exported it to OpenFOAM.I made the required changes from the Hagen Poiseuille tutorial and got the expected results.I wanted to set up a simulation for the same geometry but this time I want the flow to driven by the velocity at the inlet. (Similar to the elbow tutorial of OpenFOAM but with one less input).I set up the simulation with boundary conditions similar to the elbow tutorial. But after the simulation, I can only see the applied velocity at the inlet and nothing happens.Could you please explain how I can set up a velocity driven flow?I have all other files same as the file set up in the Hagen Poiseuille tutorial. Here are the changes I made to p & U files: (I have not included the redundant parts)// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * p * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //boundaryField{ inlet { type zeroGradient; } outlet { type fixedValue; value uniform 0; } walls { type zeroGradient; }}// * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *U* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * //boundaryField{ inlet { type fixedValue; value uniform (1 0 0); } outlet { type zeroGradient; } walls { type noSlip; }}Thank you very much for your tutorials, they helped me a lot.
I have imported bend pipe mesh file from salome, given pressure and velocity values based on Hagen Poiseuille problem, but it is not convergent, please tell me what are the values of pressure and velocity values to get convergent solution?In Openfoam for different mesh sizes 40, 80, 160 i know how to check grid independence, my question is, we have created mesh in salome, imported to openfoam, then how to check the grid independence? Because there is BlockmeshDict file? How to do it? i would like to convert the problem into millimeters, for that what i should do and change ? How to write kinematic viscosity value for the air fluid ( by default it is in meters)?
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Outline:Starting Salome and opening the previously created .hdf file Grouping mesh parts as they are required in OpenFOAM Exporting the mesh in .unv file Setting up the case directory Converting the mesh in the format compatible with OpenFOAM Scaling down the geometry Making appropriate changes in P and U file Opening the mesh in ParaView Making it ready for simulation
Starting Salome and opening the previously created .hdf file Grouping mesh parts as they are required in OpenFOAM Exporting the mesh in .unv file Setting up the case directory Converting the mesh in the format compatible with OpenFOAM Scaling down the geometry Making appropriate changes in P and U file Opening the mesh in ParaView Making it ready for simulation
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