Hello allThis is not a question is an advice if you will have problem with you simulationI had problem, the simulation didnt work correctly because there was a high courant number, using the files downloaded for this case, and i solved it only modificatingdeltaT 1e-06; and the writeInterval 50000;but if you dont have a good cpu, or dont know how to use multiple servers, you can spendt several days (up to 7)Hope you serve itBest regardsManuel Fermin Fonseca
Hello Everyone...I am very new to OF and trying to mesh a cylinder for Hagen-Poiseuille flow. I am getting error like:FOAM FATAL ERROR:face 7 in patch 0 does not have neighbour cell face: 4(19 20 24 23)From function polyMesh::facePatchFaceCells(const faceList& patchFaces,const labelListList& pointCells,const faceListList& cellsFaceShapes,const label patchID)in file meshes/polyMesh/polyMeshFromShapeMesh.C at line 127.Actually I tried to correct the order of points and still i got the same error..Also, when i tried with "paraFoam -block", paraview opened and closed before showing anything.How to rectify this..blockMeshDict is :convertToMeters 0.1;vertices((0 0 0)(0.15 0.15 0)(-0.15 0.15 0)(-0.15 -0.15 0)(0.15 -0.15 0) //4(0.3 0.3 0)(-0.3 0.3 0)(-0.3 -0.3 0)(0.3 -0.3 0)//8(0.35 0.35 0)(-0.35 0.35 0)(-0.35 -0.35 0)(0.35 -0.35 0)//12(0.15 0.15 30)(-0.15 0.15 30)(-0.15 -0.15 30)(0.15 -0.15 30)(0.3 0.3 30)//17(-0.3 0.3 30)(-0.3 -0.3 30)(0.3 -0.3 30)(0.35 0.35 30) //21(-0.35 0.35 30)(-0.35 -0.35 30)(0.35 -0.35 30)(0 0 30) //25);blocks(hex (1 2 3 4 13 14 15 16) (10 10 150) simpleGrading (1 1 1)hex (1 5 6 2 13 17 18 14) (10 10 150) simpleGrading (1 1 1)hex (2 6 7 3 14 18 19 15) (10 10 150) simpleGrading (1 1 1)hex (3 7 8 4 15 19 20 16) (10 10 150) simpleGrading (1 1 1)hex (4 8 5 1 16 20 17 13) (10 10 150) simpleGrading (1 1 1)hex (5 9 10 6 17 21 22 18) (10 10 150) simpleGrading (1 1 1)hex (6 10 11 7 18 22 23 19) (10 10 150) simpleGrading (1 1 1)hex (12 9 5 8 24 21 17 20) (10 10 150) simpleGrading (1 1 1));edges(arc 5 6 (0 0.42426 0) // back facearc 6 7 (-0.42426 0 0)arc 7 8 (0 -0.42426 0)arc 8 5 (0.42426 0 0)arc 9 10 (0 0.5 0)arc 10 11 (-0.5 0 0)arc 11 12 (0 -0.5 0)arc 12 9 (0.5 0 0)arc 17 18 (0 0.42426 30) // front facearc 18 19 (-0.42426 0 30)arc 19 20 (0 -0.42426 30)arc 20 17 (0.42426 0 30)arc 21 22 (0 0.5 30)arc 22 23 (-0.5 0 30)arc 23 24 (0 -0.5 30)arc 24 21 (0.5 0 30));boundary(inlettype inlet;faces((13 16 15 14)(13 14 18 17)(14 15 19 18)(15 16 20 19)(16 13 17 20)(17 18 22 21)(18 19 23 22)(19 20 24 23)(20 17 21 24));outlettype outlet;faces((1 5 6 2)(2 6 7 3)(3 7 8 4)(4 8 5 1)(1 2 3 4)(5 9 10 6)(6 10 11 7)(7 11 12 8)(8 12 9 5));fixedWallstype wall;faces((21 22 10 19)(22 23 11 10)(23 24 12 11)(24 21 9 12)););mergePatchPairs();
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Outline:Simulating Hagen Poiseuille flow Problem specification Formulas and analytical solution About the solver Pressure and Velocity Boundary Conditions Setting up the Case Directory and modifying the files in it Blocking Strategy Solving the case in OpenFOAM Visualizing the results in ParaView Plotting the contour Validation with respect to analytical results
Simulating Hagen Poiseuille flow Problem specification Formulas and analytical solution About the solver Pressure and Velocity Boundary Conditions Setting up the Case Directory and modifying the files in it Blocking Strategy Solving the case in OpenFOAM Visualizing the results in ParaView Plotting the contour Validation with respect to analytical results
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