Sir,We could not plot in NgSpice window. Can you please clearify the steps for this.
SirWe could not plot in NgSpice window.Please clearify the steps for it. The message coming in the window is given below.
Sir,steps for simulation in e sim are not cleared .... Kindly \r\nclarify the steps for simulation of a circuit and then ploting the \r\nwaveform at node of a circuit in Esim.
i have freeeda installed on my ubuntu 15.04 laptop for the vary first time.. every tool is working fine but analysis inserter isnt opening or showing any response..please help
Respected Sir/Madam,I am not able to run the Ki-Ng function in Free-EDA. When I click on the button an error pops up saying "No Module Named PyQT4." I went into the download folder and clicked on PyQT4 installation and installed it once again. But still the problem persists. Please help me with the same.
Respected Sir,I am currently running the software FREE-EDA on my Windows - 7 computer.I am trying to create a circuit consisting of an SR Flip Flop. Hence, I selected the Component labelled as ' D_SRFF '. I am unable to understand the connection to be made to the ' set ' and ' reset ' pins present on the component. ( Note - I am referring to the ' set ' and ' reset ' pins present on the bottom of the component as circled in the image below. ).
After entering source parameter values in netlist converter,dialogue box appears saying there's no model in your circuit. What to do?
Hello sir/mam, with reference to the solution provided on this link, i am trying to simulate a transformer model.But i am not able to get output step up waveform... Solution will be more clear/understandable if you can provide a ready example of DC regulated power supply.Thank you.
Hi, i am trying to design a circuit astable multivibrator using IC LM555N.But i am not getting output square wave and charging discharging waveform of capacitor.I have designed the circuit with reference to the provided example it will be great if you upload detailed step by step video for this.
I am unable to open the Netlist Converter option in Oscad (now known as FreeEDA). After completing drawing the schematic and analysis inserter options, I cannot open the Ki-Ng option. I am running Oscad on Linux-Mint 17.1Please guide me through it.
Hello sir/mam,How to resolve following error from example circuit of inverting amplifier provided by you.Error: Could not find include file vplot8_1.sub
When I click on Ngspice, i am supposed to get a simulation window and a plot window but im getting only simulation window. Please help me with this.
Sir/MadamWhen running the RC project i m getting trouble at is not getting quit after pressing Enter as guided by tutorial after giving values as suggested by tutorial.RegardsTapan AroraLecturer (Computer Science)Govt. Polytechnic , Narender Nagar)Mob. 9997709333,9997672090
Dear sirs,I have tried to build SCR model and efforts are in right direction.But presently facing two problems which I need your guidance for correction.1. I need a CCCS(current controlled current source) which is available in sources spice library but is not working properly.The problem is when we apply a control current at the control terminals(through +C and -C) the controlled current shouflow, but in the circuitI have built it is not flowing.2. I need a voltage controlled switch with 4 isolated terminals 2 for control/gate and two for the controlled/output voltage.In Oscad there is a switch ANALOGSWITCH in analogxspice library but its a 3 terminal switch with 1 common terminal betweeninput and output which is not useful for SCR modelling. I even tried with controlled limiter in the same library but itsperformance also is not good(whatever we apply at U1-L1 is appearing at the output though expected output is that at in terminal).Waiting for Your suggestions/guidance and necessary actions on these issues.Thanking you sincerelyHarish BhatAsst. ProfessorMITE Moodabidri
Sir, Voltage controlled switch Sbreak in Pspice is used in one of the problems I am trying to solve using Oscad. In Sbreak there are four different terminals two of which are grounded and two other connected to circuit. When I ground one of the pins of component "Analog switch" I get an ERC error. How do I avoid this? And what do the three terminals in component "Analog switch" correspond to the four terminals of Sbreak?
Hi,There is a library named DEVICE and all the power electronic devices like SCR,THYRISTOR and TRANSFORMERS are available in that library. But none of these devices are working. Can you tell me what care I have to take to make these devices to work.RegardsHarish BhatMITE Moodabidri
Sir,I tried using tf v(5) v1 for doing transfer function analysis using the ngspice window. It said Doing analysis. But then the values were not printed. Should I use any other command to get the input, output resistance and other values?
Sir,I changed the parameters of the JFET using model builder but I do not get the output graph of current. Ngspice window says unrecognised model parameter. What could be the reason? Project file link : example 9.2
Can we define model parameters of resistor, inductor and capacitor in OSCAD and how to change the operating temperature?
How can I perform DC nested sweep analysis for a list of values?For example: DC sweep for V= 5V 20V 30V I = 50mA 100mA 150mA
Is it possible to find out di/dt and (d^2) i / (dt)^2 at some time instants . for ex. in network analysis there are problems for finding out current and voltage at t=0+ and also the 1st and 2nd derivative of current and voltage at t=0+.
I want to use a switch which can open and closed at some time instants.So that when it is closed it is almost like Zero resistance and when it isopenedit is having infinite resistance.
Sir,How do I perform DC nested sweep analysis? The problem that I'm trying to solve requires varying the collector-emitter voltage and the base current in steps in a BJT analysis circuit.
Dear sir,I was trying to simulate circuit which have one sub circuit.Simulation was successful.Then i tried to use same sub circuit twice ,ngspice gives an error "doanalyses iteration limit reached ".Please refer following circuit and subcircuitsx1 3 7 8 6 10 2 0 4 8 1 sub1r4 5 0 r* 74ls04* Plotting option vplot8_1* 74ls32r3 8 0 rr2 7 0 rr1 10 0 rv3 8 0 5v2 7 0 5v1 10 0 5a1 [10] [10_in] u1adca2 10_in 3_out u1a3 [3_out] [3] u1daca4 [7] [7_in] u1adca5 7_in 6_out u1a6 [6_out] [6] u1dac.model u1 d_inverter.model u1adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0).model u1dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9)a7 [4] [4_in] u2adca8 [2] [2_in] u2adca9 [4_in 2_in] 5_out u2a10 [5_out] [5] u2dac.model u2 d_or.model u2adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0).model u2dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9).tran 1e-03 10e-00 0e-00* Control Statements.controlrunplot v(5).endc.endand contents of sub circuit are* Subcircuit sub1.subckt sub1 4 0 7 8 9 1 3 2* eeschema netlist version 1.1 (spice format) creation date: wednesday 04 june 2014 01:59:31 pm ist* 74ls08a1 [7] [7_in] u3adca2 [8] [8_in] u3adca3 [7_in 8_in] 5_out u3a4 [5_out] [5] u3daca5 [3] [3_in] u3adca6 [2] [2_in] u3adca7 [3_in 2_in] 10_out u3a8 [10_out] [10] u3daca9 [10] [10_in] u3adca10 [11] [11_in] u3adca11 [10_in 11_in] 12_out u3a12 [12_out] [12] u3daca13 [5] [5_in] u3adca14 [9] [9_in] u3adca15 [5_in 9_in] 1_out u3a16 [1_out] [1] u3dac.model u3 d_and.model u3adc adc_bridge(in_low=0.8 in_high=2.0).model u3dac dac_bridge(out_low=0.25 out_high=5.0 out_undef=1.8 t_rise=0.5e-9 t_fall=0.5e-9).ends sub1Please do needful.Regards,Biren
is it possible to edit parameters of capacitors and resistors? How do i assign an initial voltage to a capacitor?
RESPECTED SIR,I WANT TO INITIALIZE INDUCTOR AND CAPACITOR WITH SOME INITIAL CURRENT AND VOLTAGE. HOW CAN I DO THIS?After that I want to solve the first order or second order circuit for the current or voltage it possible on OSCAD?
Can you please tell me where I can find the voltage controlled and current controlled switches in Oscad?
Dear Sir or Madam,I downloaded and installed oscad on my linux PC: kubuntu 13.10/64 bit.I can run the program by typing python forntEnd/ . I could not create a desktop shortcut since /root/Desktop does not exists on my system. Anyway I do manage to run oscad, but when I run an example (nodalExample_plot) after generating the netlisst, then analysis inserter, then when i try Netlist converter I get the following on the console terminal: sh: 1: xterm: not foundCould you please let me know what can I do to stop this error.Many thanks in advance and greetings from Panama.
Hello,I was trying to include the diode 1N4007 for my circuit drawn from scratch. But I am unable to include the diode into my schematic even though the 1n4007.lib file is present in physical storage of my computer under "modelLibrary". Can you please let me know how to include it in my circuit.Thanks in advance.
Hi,I would like to save the schematic file and simulation result into word file can I do it directly using any options available in Oscad tool or only using screenshot, and then paste because if there is any tool in Oscad the schematic looks good in word document.Thanks and RegardsHarish Bhat
Can any one tell me that,Is there any 4 to 1 Multipexer ? And when i used the Dual-4 to 1 MUX it shows -'Unable to find the defination of Model'
What does the following error exactly describes ?Error: doAnalyses: iteration limit reached run simulation(s) aborted Error: no such vector v(11)
I used 3 input AND gate 74LS15 in one of my project. But the gate is only giving 0.0 output when it should give High( 5 ) and also when it should give Low(2.5e-02).like the gate is not working.Please help.
After creating schematic and giving analysis details, when I clicked on 'KiCad to NgSpice', it opens it's window but it dissappears immediately after showing an error.Error: Valueerror: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'filename.cir'I encountered this error while dealing with 3 input gates. And again i got the same error while makig a project using NMOS and PMOS FET.
Hi,I tried to use the tristate buffer IC 74LS126 in the schematic which is having 3 pins in the symbol as input, control and output and I have given proper signals at these pins, but after giving ERC it showed 2 errors as power supply terminals unconnected, even though there are no power supply terminlas (Vcc and GND) in the symbol.Please guide me how I can make this IC work accurately in the schematic.Thanks in advanceHarish Bhat N.MITE Moodabidire
Hi,I am unable to open ngspice. I have made .cir.ckt and .cir.out and prompt window says "The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail." I tried it but I don't get it
Sir, I tried creating a summing amplifier , annotation and erc are all fine. Since I had used ua741 I tried importing the subcircuit as given in the procedure in the oscad manual. When I select the subcircuit ua741 from the list and click on OK, I keep getting "unable to import subcircuit" . Please help with this.Thanks!
I'm unable to find transformer component. Can you please tell me in which library it is available?
Hi,I drew a simple schem with an opamp, annotate, erc, checklist, analysis, and kicadtongspice all fine with cir.out and cir.ckt files created. netlist created:* EESchema Netlist Version 1.1 (Spice format) creation date: 03/04/2014 17:48:20* To exclude a component from the Spice Netlist add [Spice_Netlist_Enabled] user FIELD set to: N* To reorder the component spice node sequence add [Spice_Node_Sequence] user FIELD and define sequence: 2,1,0*Sheet Name:/X1 2 3 1 UA741 R2 2 1 R R1 2 0 R v1 3 0 SINE .endI then run the ngspice and get a "fatal error in ngspice" message with the following message:Note: can't find init file******** ngspice-25 : Circuit level simulation program** The U. C. Berkley CAD Group** Copyright .......******ua741.sub: No such file or directoryError: .include statement failed.not sure what has happened here.. help would be appreciated.
Sir / MadamI am unable to connect wires I have tried by changing the grid size but there are some ERC errors. I have also read the book but there was not sufficient explanation.
Hi,i done schematic after, i opend subcircuit editor window but it's not responding.hepl me.
Hi,I'm now following your spoken video tutorials and trying to do what is being shown in the video.I have done exactly what is being said/shown in the video twice and still get the same result both times, the following msg comes up in the cmd window when I click the spice->ngspice converter (icon 3).Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:/oscad/oscad/kicadtoNgspice/", line 1258, in <module> finalNetlist=int(sys.argv[2])ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'circ.cir'What do I do now?
Hi,I managed to get most of oscad working in windows 8.1. Having issues in others like the following:I cannot get the analysis Inserter to work... the cmd window keeps giving the following:Traceback (most recent call last):File "C:/OSCAD/OSCAD/analysisInserter/", line 9, in <module> import wxImporterError: No module named wxI am a bit lost here and cannot do much simulation I guess without the analysis Inserter...Any ideas...??
Whenever I try using IPRINT in my circuit as an ammeter,,I face the following problems:1. Issues regarding the grounding,sometimes it does not accept simple gnd/gnd with pwr flag and the troubleshooting becomes impossible.2. Even if the circuit passes ERC check,during simulation in the ngspice window,it shows some iteration where the message says gmin value reached and no proper results are obtained.Please help me with this as I am not able to proceed wit even simple RC circuits.
Hi,I learnt the procedure to use the oscad software. 1.Suppose I want to know the dc voltage/current across/through the resistor in the very simple circuits containing a mesh of resistors and a dc source.Do I use vplot or vprint and where do I see the required dc value of current/voltage?2.Is there any constant current source available in libraries?(query by Rahul Srivastava)
Sir, I noticed while going through the Oscad manual. My toolbar window doesn't have SMCSIM option in it. What could have gone wrong sir?(query by Swetha Kannan)
I have installed Kicad and python too but when I open Oscad I get the tool window but I do not get the schematic editor window but instead the following message. The environment variables are also set correctly and Kicad is installed right. "EESCHEMA IS NOT RECOGNISED AS AN INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL COMMAND, OPERABLE PROGRAM OR BATCH FILE" i saw a similar post here and tried re-installing kicad and its right. But when I try to follow a similar procedure for Ngspice, it did not open and I got a message saying "Can't open init file" . What could be the problem?
I am unable to now open Editor for Schematic and getting this error How to fix this ?'eeschema' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file.OS: Windows 7 64 bit
I tried but i cannot set exact value for tranformer 1:2 like that, if any examples using transformer symbols circuit you can sent for me for my project work. i m doing Applied electonics final year at Dr. M.G.R Edu & Research Institute University Chennai I showing some fatal error to set z0 values i donot know what type of numbers put in oscad tool for transformers
5735 visits
Outline: Create circuit schematic Annote the Schematic Perform Electric Rules Check Generate Spice netlist Add simulation parameters Convert Spice netlist to Ngspice format and Simulate the netlist
Create circuit schematic Annote the Schematic Perform Electric Rules Check Generate Spice netlist Add simulation parameters Convert Spice netlist to Ngspice format and Simulate the netlist
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