Dear Sir/Madam,I have installed Xamp on my server Successfully and started services of xamp by using cammand sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start and getting out put likeStarting XAMPP for Linux 5.6.39-0...XAMPP: Starting Apache...already running.XAMPP: Starting MySQL...ok.XAMPP: Starting ProFTPD...ok.but, it is also giving another message on next terminal like belowComputerName:~$ /opt/lampp/bin/mysql.server: 260: kill: No such processWhat is meaning of above command and whether it is affecting to smooth working of Moodle server.Please Reply.
Sir i am unable to locate xampp 5.6.39 32-bit version, as I have Ubuntu 16.04 lts 32-bit version installed in the lab.Please help
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Outline:XAMPP in Linux Installing XAMPP in Linux XAMPP is a cumulative package consisting of Apache, PHP and MySQL Packages is available for Linux In this tutorial the XAMPP will be installed and the default Webserver directory will be "opt" Create and Run a PHP code file How to start and stop XAMPP services
XAMPP in Linux Installing XAMPP in Linux XAMPP is a cumulative package consisting of Apache, PHP and MySQL Packages is available for Linux In this tutorial the XAMPP will be installed and the default Webserver directory will be "opt" Create and Run a PHP code file How to start and stop XAMPP services
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