Professor I know this is not a correct Tutorial Tag for the Doubt I am asking. It is regarding Installation sheet. There no error occurred in the command prompt. Just these lines occurring which is somewhat not similar to what you have written in the last paragraph as "NOTE:" in that sheet. What should I do? Is everything correct here in installation process or have I committed some mistake?Matplotlib is building the font cache; this may take a moment.Installed tk event loop hook.Shell is already running a gui event loop for tk. Call with no arguments to disable the current loop.Using matplotlib backend: TkAgg%pylab is deprecated, use %matplotlib inline and import the required libraries.Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
Professor I know this is not a correct Tutorial Tag for the Doubt I am asking. It is regarding Installation sheet. There no error occurred in the command prompt. Just these lines occurring which is somewhat not similar to what you have written in the last paragraph as important note in that sheet. What should I do? Is everything correct here in installation process or have I committed some mistake?Matplotlib is building the font cache; this may take a moment.Installed tk event loop hook.Shell is already running a gui event loop for tk. Call with no arguments to disable the current loop.Using matplotlib backend: TkAgg%pylab is deprecated, use %matplotlib inline and import the required libraries.Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
S=[0.19, 0.38, 0.57, 0.77, 0.96, 1.15, 1.34, 1.54, 1.73]n=[10.74, 14.01, 18.52, 20.23, 22.88, 24.59, 27.55, 28.48, 30.20]delta_S=[0.006, 0.006, 0.005, 0.003, 0.003, 0.004, 0.007, 0.004, 0 ...: .004, 0.007] delta_n=[0.61, 0.69, 0.53, 0.38, 0.46, 0.37, 0.46, 0.46, 0.37]In [24]: plot(S,n,'.')Out[24]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x18ab592b890>]In [25]: clf()In [26]: plot(S,n,'.')Out[26]: [<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x18ab1760b00>]In [27]: errorbar(S,n, xerr=delta_S, yerr=delta_n, fmt='.')ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)Cell In[27], line 1----> 1 errorbar(S,n, xerr=delta_S, yerr=delta_n, fmt='.')ValueError: 'xerr' (shape: (10,)) must be a scalar or a 1D or (2, n) array-like whose shape matches 'x' (shape: (9,)) The previous exercise has no problem with this command but in this the value of delta_S is having three decimal places. Maybe that is causing the error, but not sure. please help with this.
errorbar(l, tsquare, xerr=delta_l, yerr=delta_t, fmt='bo')---------------------------------------------------------------------------NameError Traceback (most recent call last)Cell In[5], line 1----> 1 errorbar(l, tsquare, xerr=delta_l, yerr=delta_t, fmt='bo')NameError: name 'errorbar' is not defined
what exactly is xerr and yerr? also can u explain the exercise 2's syntax?
l = [0,1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9]t = [0.69, 0.90, 1.19, 1.30, 1.47, 1.58, 1.77, 1.83, 1.94]tsquare = square(t)tsquareplot(l, tsquare, ".")I am getting an error - In [16]: plot(l, tsquare, ".")---------------------------------------------------------------------------ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)<ipython-input-16-91fb2daa7489> in <module>----> 1 plot(l, tsquare, ".")ValueError: x and y must have same first dimension, but have shapes (10,) and (9,)Can you please check the error ?
I have tried the exercise 2 question as follows: S = [0.19, 0.38, 0.57, 0.77, 0.96, 1.15, 1.34, 1.54, 1.73] n = [10.74, 14.01, 18.52, 20.23, 22.88, 24.59, 27.55, 28.48, 30.20] delta_S = [0.006, 0.006, 0.005, 0.003, 0.004, 0.007, 0.004, 0.004, 0.007] delta_n = [0.61, 0.69, 0.53, 0.38, 0.46, 0.37, 0.46, 0.46, 0.37] nsquare = square(n) Plot 1: plot(S,n,'.') errorbar(S, n, xerr = delta_S, yerr = delta_n, fmt = 'bo') Each point is of the form: Similarly Plot2: plot(S,nsquare,'.') errorbar(S, nsquare, xerr = delta_S, yerr = delta_n, fmt = 'bo') Here we have to zoom a lot more to see the error in the measurement data. Kindly comment whether it is correct or not.
Hello Sir, During the plot of data with errorbar, what is the significance of this: fmt = 'bo''.Thanks and regards,swati-mishra
Assign x to t, then perform given operation
Hello Sir, During the plot of data with errorbar, what is the significance of this: fmt = 'bo''.Thanks and regards,Shyamal
Unable to create delta_l & delta_t in windows...How to proceed for the same....showing error delta_t not defined
Can we plot the data in 3 dimensionally?Or we plot only along x and Y axis?
i am not able to understand the use of errorbar. Can you please more on errorbar?
Solved Exercise 2 of above section. But am I correct.Don't know.Please view the required plot
What is Errorbar? Why to use fmt & its value as 'bo'
clf()plot(L,tsquare,'o')delta_l=[0.08,0.09,0.07,0.05,0.06,0.00,0.06,0.06,0.01]delta_t=[0.04,0.08,0.03,0.05,0.03,0.03,0.04,0.07,0.08]In [24]: errorbar=(L,tsquare,xerr=delta_l,yerr=delta_t,fmt='bo') File "<ipython-input-24-673d8e5edfaf>", line 1 errorbar=(L,tsquare,xerr=delta_l,yerr=delta_t,fmt='bo') ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I'm not able to understand the use of error bar. Can you please elaborate?
Error bar not working
i tried plotting data but it is showing me the error
error bar is not working
errorbar command shows delta_l is not defined. How to solve this?
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Outline:डेटा प्लॉट करना। सूची element-wise स्क्वेरिंग सूची बनाना। डेटा प्वाइंट प्लॉट करना। प्लॉट्स क्लीयर करना। errorbar फंक्शन । प्लॉट में डॉट्स या भरे हुए सर्कल। लाल प्लसेस के साथ प्लॉट IPython में प्रलेखीकरण का अन्वेषण करना। फार्मेट आर्ग्युमेंट का उपयोग करके errorbars के साथ प्लॉट करना।
डेटा प्लॉट करना। सूची element-wise स्क्वेरिंग सूची बनाना। डेटा प्वाइंट प्लॉट करना। प्लॉट्स क्लीयर करना। errorbar फंक्शन । प्लॉट में डॉट्स या भरे हुए सर्कल। लाल प्लसेस के साथ प्लॉट IPython में प्रलेखीकरण का अन्वेषण करना। फार्मेट आर्ग्युमेंट का उपयोग करके errorbars के साथ प्लॉट करना।
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