a=linspace(3,-3,100) b=sin(a)plot(b,'r')Plots a graph considering data of "b" for y axis, what is the default x axis data or value it consider ?
I downloaded and installed ipython interpreter but it does not contain matplotlib how can I get matplotlib installed where can I get ipython with matplotlib?
Maximum and minimum limit of set and get axes?
what do you mean by annotate?
i am using title function and the result is coming only in text not in curve graph
how to give the title to the current graph
We have used xlim(-4,5) command to limit the x axis and same way for y coordinate. How can we remove the defined limit from the plot?
I am not able to create -2pi to 2pi graph? anybody can help me pls?
Why on my latop %pylab command is not running
I tried ececuting this command as it is plot(x,-x*x+4*x-5,'r',linewidth=2)the following is the error i am getting<ipython-input-4-3899d2773deb> in <module>----> 1 plot(x,-x*x+4*x-5,'r',linewidth=2)TypeError: bad operand type for unary -: 'tuple'
I can use single quote in the place of double quote in the title command and it works. I am using Canopy. Does this work in all python environments or only in Canopy?
I notice that double quote also works in the plot examples. Is this always true in Python. That is, are single and double quotes interchangeable?
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Outline: Embellishing a plot Title Label line width, color, style annotations
Embellishing a plot Title Label line width, color, style annotations
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