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About 113 results found.

Foss : Python - English

Writing python scripts * import


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

Python modules Run a Python script from command line How to import modules in python scripts? How to import required functions from a module? Usage of namespace Advantages of using import functio..


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

About Python modules What is importing? How to write a function and save it as a script Run a python script Import a module Example to import a module usage of __name__ variable Write test cond..


Foss : Python - English

Using python modules scipy pylab sys


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

What are sets in python? Input sets Create sets How to create empty sets? Operations on sets Add and remove methods Union and intersection methods Difference and symmetric_difference methods S..


Foss : ExpEYES - English

Introduction to Python Measure AC voltage using Plot window and Python Generate a Sine wave Measure external and internal voltages using Python Measure capacitance and resistance using Plot wi..


Foss : Python Flask - English

Python Virtual Environment Install pip3 Install virtualenv Create a Virtual Environment Activate the Virtual Environment Install Flask Write a Hello World Flask app Start the Flask development ..


Foss : DWSIM - English

Selecting chemical components and thermodynamics Adding Material streams to the flowsheet Defining the properties of the streams Introducing Python script in the flowsheet Introducing GetProp and ..


9.I O

Foss : Python - English

Input Output in Python



Foss : Python - English

Sets About sets in python


Foss : Python - English

Getting started with for blocks in python (indentation) blocks in ipython … prompt hitting enter for with a list range function


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

Data types in Python Demonstration of int, float and complex data types with examples Different functions associated with int data type Complex numbers and their functions Boolean operations with ..


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

Use Python 3.4.3 Use Ipython version 5.1.0 Save plots using the savefig() function. Save the plots in different formats like pdf ps png svg eps


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

Errors in Python Syntax errors and exception Exceptions with example Syntax error with example Demonstration of ValueError exception Demonstration of ZeroDivisionError exception try except claus..


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

For loop syntax Example to use For loop Indentation in for loop Create blocks in python using for Iterate over a list using for loop How to get out of the block use of Range() function Range fu..


Foss : Python - English

Getting started with sage notebook about sage starting the notebook server using the UI typesetting & print selecting language sage LaTeX ..


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

Statistical operations in Python Installation of Numpy for mathematical and logical operations Installation of pip to install python libraries loadtxt() function with example Getting the shape of ..


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

>Use Python 3.5.2 >Use Ipython version 5.1.0 >IPython is an enhanced interactive Python interpreter. >Invoke the IPython interpreter >Quit the IPython interpreter >Navigate the IPython session hi..


Foss : Python Django - English

Getting started with Django Python Virtual Environment Create a Virtual Environment Activate the Virtual Environment pip command Install Django Update Django version Create a Django project ..


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

What is software testing? Write a simple function How to write test cases? Create simple tests for a function Run the script and test the code Automate tests Example for test case fail Coding s..
