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About 113 results found.

Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

Create matrices from lists asmatrix method arange and reshape methods Basic matrix operation Addition, subtraction and multiplication of a matrix Determinant of a matrix eye(), allclose() functi..


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

flatten() function Example to convert a multidimensional matrix to single dimension matrix Frobenius norm of a matrix Demonstration of Frobenius norm of a matrix Inverse of a matrix Infinity norm..


Foss : Python 3.4.3 - English

Create a one-dimensional array Create a two-dimensional array Accessing individual elements of an array How to change the value of an array How to change more than one elements at a time Negative..


Foss : Python - English

ABCD Degree RBT - U Calculus limits differentiation integration indefinite definite piece-wise functions differential equations maxima, minima Linear Algebra Vectors and Matr..


Foss : Python - English

Using sage to teach @interact 2D, 3D graphics Graph Theory Share, Publish print


Foss : Python - English

Using the plot command interactively ipython -pylab pylab brings in the libraries necessary for Scientific Computing. linspace, len clf plot using the plot ui..


Foss : Python - English

Saving plots basic savefig png, pdf, ps, eps, svg going to OS and looking at the file


Foss : Python - English

Statistics mean summing median std


Foss : Python - English

Plotting the data plot L vs. T2 using square function problem with 3 cols 3rd column is error error bar


Foss : Python - English

Matrices creating matrices direct data list conversion builtins - identitiy, zeros, matrix operations + - * / dot inv det ..


Foss : Python - English

Multiple plots overlays linspace give one with very few points, more points show smoothness of the curve legend figure 1, figure2 subplots


Foss : Python - English

Other types of plots scatter pie chart bar chart log illustration of other plots, matplotlib help


Foss : Python - English

Parsing data explain what is parsing strip (with strings) split (with strings) with delimiters specify space as delimiter datatype conversion reading ..


Foss : Python - English

Manipulating strings upper, lower, replace slicing [::-1] reversed palindrome check


Foss : Python - English

Least square fit show pendulum use loadtxt lstsq


Foss : Python - English

loading data from files loadtxt with unpack=True primes.list (one col) pendulum.txt (two col)


Foss : Python - English

Loops while for pass, break, continue


Foss : Python - English

Manipulating lists concatenation slicing striding .sort sorted .reverse reversed


Foss : Python - English

Getting started with strings strings single, double, triple quoted accessing elements show immutability tell that there are methods for manipulation


Foss : Python - English

Getting started with symbolics symbolic expressions built-in constants & functions algebraic expressions, series integration, differentiation matri..
