The Tutorials in this series are created using R3.0.0, 3.2.3, 3.4.4 on Mac OS and Ubuntu 16.04. R is a free, useful software package to anybody who wishes to undertake extensive statistical computations (a user community that includes students, researchers and professionals belonging to various disciplines). Read more
Foss : R - English
Outline: How to find the dimensions of a data frame Define a histogram Plot a histogram in R Add labels to the histogram Add color to the bins of a histogram Change the number of b..
Outline: What is a bar chart Draw a bar chart Use the barplot function Add labels to the bar chart Adjust the labels of the bar chart What is a scatter plot Draw a scatter plot Use ..
Outline: Define visualization About grammar of graphics- ggplot2 Use of the plot function Add labels to a plot Change the color and type of plot Plot two graphs in the same plot Add..
Outline: Define aesthetic Need for aesthetic in plotting Draw a scatter plot Customize a scatter plot View the structure of an object View the levels of a categorical variable Dr..
Outline: What is data visualization Need for data manipulation What is dplyr package Functions in dplyr package Install dplyr package Use filter function Use filter function wit..
Outline: Functions in the dplyr package Select multiple variables in a data frame Remove variables from a data frame Use of select function Use of starts_with function Change the ..
Outline: About summarise function in dplyr About group_by function in dplyr Difference between summarise and group_by functions Use summarise and group_by functions together About pip..
Outline: About conditional statements Syntax of if, else and else if statements Use if, else and else if statements Use if else function Arguments of if else function Add a new column ..
Outline: Define a function About built-in functions and user-defined functions Need for a user-defined function Syntax of a function Parts of a function Create a user-defined functio..
Foss : RDBMS PostgreSQL - English
Outline: Introduction to RDBMS Common Software based on RDBMS Prerequisites for learning PostgreSQL OS and PostgreSQL version used Features of PostgreSQL Who can use PostgreSQL? Glimp..
Outline: Installation of PostgreSQL on Linux Installation of PostgreSQL on Windows Installation of pgAdmin Connect to PostgreSQL database Set Password for the database Disconnect from ..
Outline: How to connect to the server Introduction to database and its objects How to create a database Table and its attributes pgAdmin interface. New server registration How to crea..
Outline: Insert single row to the table Insert multiple rows to the table How to execute the query Retrieve the data using select statement Introduction to Primary key Rules to define ..
Outline: View data in the Edit data window Insert records in the Edit data window Inserting a NULL value in a record Basic SELECT statement SELECT statement with WHERE clause Compariso..
Outline: DISTINCT clause in SELECT statement How to use BETWEEN operator in SELECT statement How to use LIKE operator in SELECT statement Usage of percent and underscore wildcards with e..
Outline: What is a Foreign key? Foreign key link between students and department table Create a parent table department Alter table command Add a new column to the existing students tab..
Outline: Aggregate functions What is Group by clause? Syntax for Group by clause Examples for using Group by clause with one/multiple columns Having clause Syntax for Having clause Ex..
Outline: Update statement Syntax for Update statement Examples for Update statement Updating multiple columns Syntax for Delete statement Examples for Delete statement Delete rows for..
Foss : Ruby - Assamese
Outline: 1.1 ৰুবিৰ পৰিচয় ৰুবি কি? বৈশিষ্ট্য ৰুবি জেম্চ ৰুবিত সাহায্য
Outline: 2.1 পৰিচয় -ৰুবি আৰু ভেৰিয়বল ডায়নামিক টাইপিঙ এটা ভেৰিয়বল ডিক্লেয়াৰ কৰা - ভেৰিয়বল টাইপ পৰিবর্তন কৰা - var মান ৰুপান্তৰ কৰা অর্থাৎ float,string,binary লৈ ইত্..