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Linux is one of the most popular Operating Systems used in todays world. Read more

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Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Redirection Pipes Input,output and error stream Redirection : > and >> Pipes : |


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Working with Linux Process Process Shell process Process spawning - parent and child process Process attributes - pid, ppid Init Process User proces..


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: The Linux Environment Environment variable vs Local variables set command env command SHELL, HOME, PATH, LOGNAME, PS1, PS2 history ! and ~ ali..


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Basics of System Administration Root login-su User management - UID, GID, useradd, usermod, userdel Discs – Du, df


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Simple filters Head tail sort cut paste


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: The grep command To see the content of a file To list the entries of a particular stream To ignore cases Lines that do not match the pattern To list ..


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: More on grep command Search using grep To match more than one pattern To check a word that has different spelling Character class The use of * T..


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: The sed command sed To print using sed Line Addressing Context Addressing


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Some more on sed command substitute insert delete


Foss : Linux AWK - English

Outline: Overview of Linux AWK About awk commands AWK Process Glimpse of Spoken Tutorials available on AWK - Basics of AWK - Variables Operators - Conditional Statements - Loops ..


Foss : Linux AWK - English

Outline: Basics of awk Awk Preliminaries Selection criteria action Formatted printing - printf Fields and -F option Regular expressions NR - number ..


Foss : Linux AWK - English

Outline: Variables and Operators in Awk -User defined variables -Variable Initialisation -Operators -String Concatenation -String matching operator -Regular expressions -Relationa..


Foss : Linux AWK - English

Outline: Built-in variables record separator RS output record separator ORS number of records NR number of fields NF field separator FS output field separator OFS FILENAME awk scr..


Foss : Linux AWK - English

Outline: Conditional statements in awk: What are conditional statements Syntax of conditional statements Defining the rules or conditions to be checked and corresponding actions to be ta..


Foss : Linux AWK - English

Outline: Loops in awk: Conditional loops in awk for loop while loop do-while loop Search pattern using awk Process data in single and multiple files using next nextfi..


Foss : Linux AWK - English

Outline: What are Arrays in awk How it is different from arrays in other programming languages Refer the elements of an array Syntax of assigning an array element The index in awk arr..


Foss : Linux AWK - English

Outline: Using awk array with file Example: To calculate the HRA for all students as per a formula Scan the elements of an array New variation of "for loop" Delete statement Delete..


Foss : Linux AWK - English

Outline: Definition of multidimensional array in awk Element is identified by a sequence of multiple indices Concatenated into a single string, with a separator between them Create 2 by ..


Foss : Linux AWK - English

Outline: awk Built-in functions: Arithmetic functions sqrt(x) function int(x) function exp(x) function log(x) natural logarithm function sin(x) and cos(x) function..


Foss : Linux AWK - English

Outline: Syntax of user defined function Syntax of function call Example to print stipend Explanation of if-else code Explanation of how to call the function Syntax of re..
