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The Tutorials in this series are created in Moodle 3.3 on Ubuntu 16.04. Moodle is a learning platform that provides educators, administrators and learners with a single, secure and integrated platform to create personalized e-learning environments. Read more

About 1286 results found.
  1. Instruction Sheet
  2. Installation Sheet
  3. Brochures

Foss : Moodle Learning Management System - English

Outline: How to attempt quiz in Moodle? How to flag a question in Moodle quiz How to review my quiz attempts in Moodle Review quiz attempts submitted by students in Moodle How to add fe..


Foss : Moodle Learning Management System - English

Outline: How to attempt an assignment in Moodle? How to download and review submissions offline? How to add feedback to assignment submission files? Upload multiple feedback files for st..


Foss : Netbeans - English

Outline: Introduction to Netbeans About Netbeans Installation of Netbeans Components and Interface of Netbeans General Java Development


Foss : Netbeans - English

Outline: Developing a Sample Web Application Creating and Editing Source Files Deploying an Application to the Server Using JavaBeans Components


Foss : Netbeans - English

Outline: Designing GUI for Sample Java Application Using the Form Editor, Source Editor Using the Palette, Inspector & Properties Features Adding Event Handlers


Foss : Netbeans - English

Outline: Integrating an Applet in a Web Application Creating an applet Running the applet Embed the applet in a web application


Foss : Netbeans - English

Outline: Netbeans Debugger Configuring breeakpoints and evaluating expressions Tracing execution of program options to configure the debugger


Foss : Netbeans - English

Outline: Handling Images in a Java GUI Application Creating an application form Adding package for image Displaying the image Creating mouse events and pop-ups


Foss : Netbeans - English

Outline: Adding a File Chooser to a Java Application Create the application and application form Add and configure the file chooser


Foss : Netbeans - English

Outline: Connecting to a MySQL Database Configuring MySQL server properties Starting the MySQL server Creating and connecting to the database Creating database tables un..


Foss : Ngspice - English

Outline: Operating-point-analysis-in-NGspice


Foss : Ngspice - English

Outline: DC-sweep analysis in NGspice 1) Perform DC-sweep analysis 2) Perform nested-DC-sweep analysis 3) With primary and secondary sweep variable 4) Using BJT common base amplifier a..


Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English

Outline: Overview of OpenFOAM About OpenFOAM OpenFOAM Capabilities Mesh Generation in OpenFOAM Mesh Conversion in OpenFOAM OpenFOAM Solvers Post-processing Spoken Tutorials availab..


Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English

Outline: Installing OpenFOAM in Ubuntu: Public key for package signature verification Add OpenFOAM to package list Install OpenFOAM Install ParaView Accessing .bashrc file User conf..


Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English

Outline: Setting-up a Test Case in OpenFOAM: Create Run directory Copy a case from Tutorial directory to Run directory Overview of blockMeshDict Overview of 0 folder Contents of p an..


Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English

Outline: Creating 2D Channel Geometry and Mesh in OpenFOAM: 2D channel flow problem description Geometry of the channel Boundaries of the channel Dimensions of coordinates in blockMes..


Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English

Outline: Multi-block Meshing of a 2D Geometry in OpenFOAM: Two-block geometry Defining the vertices Defining multiple blocks Meshing parameters of each block Cell Expansion Ratio La..


Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English

Outline: Creating 3D Pipe Geometry and Mesh in OpenFOAM: Create a 3D Geometry using blockMeshDict Create a Multi-block geometry and Mesh Mesh a 3D geometry Create arcs in blockMeshDic..


Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English

Outline: Simulating Hagen Poiseuille flow through a pipe in OpenFOAM: Set up the boundary conditions Set up the initial conditions Set up the physical properties Set up the solve cont..


Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English

Outline: Basic Post Processing using ParaView: Flow through pipe Hagen Poiseuille flow Streamline visualization Glyph visualization Clip the Mesh View internal flow field Plot grap..
