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The Tutorials in this series are created Osdag v2021(v2021.02.a.a12f) on Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Windows 11 OS. Osdag is a cross-platform free/libre and open-source software for the design (and detailing) of steel structures, following the Indian Standard IS 800:2007. It allows the user to design steel connections, members and systems using a graphical user interface. The interactive GUI provides a 3D visualization of the designed component and an option to export the CAD model to any drafting software for the creation of construction/fabrication drawings. The design is typically optimized following industry best practices. Osdag is freely available for download at https://osdag.fossee.in/resources/downloads Osdag version v2021.02.a.a12f is used to create this series. Read more

About 1296 results found.

Foss : Osdag - English

Outline: Opening Osdag Modules in Osdag Homepage of Osdag Selecting Fin Plate connection Loading a sample design example Introduction to Input Dock, Output Dock, Message window and Gra..


Foss : Osdag - English

Outline: Design Scenarios in Osdag Optimum Design theory Design Check theory Homepage of Osdag Modules in Osdag Selecting Tension Member module Filling of the Input Dock according to ..


Foss : Osdag - English

Outline: Understand the Design Check algorithm in Osdag Review the Homepage of Osdag Review the Modules in Osdag Perform the design example on the Tension Member module Fill the Input D..


Foss : Osdag - English

Outline: About Tension member module Filling Input Dock Sample design example Define inputs Save input menu OSI file Load input menu Design check Log messages Unsafe design


Foss : Osdag - English

Outline: Load OSI file Perform design Colour coding scheme of log messages Interpret the log messages Read ERROR message Read WARNING message Read INFO message Rectify the unsafe de..


Foss : Osdag - English

Outline: Perform the design View log messages Review design results Explore Design Preferences Define Member preferences About custom sections Define Connector preferences Define Bo..


Foss : Osdag - English

Outline: Sample design example Visualise the 3D CAD model Handling the 3D CAD model: Zoom, Pan and Rotate Reference axis of CAD in Osdag 2D views of the CAD model: Front View, Side View..


Foss : Osdag - English

Outline: View the design Create design report Create a user profile Save the user profile Save design report Open and view the design report Read the sections in the report Interpret..


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: 1. Installation of Perl 5.14.2 on Ubuntu Linux Installing XAMPP in Linux (XAMPP is a cumulative package consisting of Apache, PERL, PHP and MySQL Packages is availabl..


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: Variables are used for storing values, like text strings, numbers or arrays All variables in PERL start with a $ sign symbol Declaring a variable in PERL: $var_name = value; e.g..


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: Comments in Perl Two types of comments - 1. Single Line 2. Multi Line Single Line comment starts with the symbol # Multi Line comment used to comment a chunk of cod..


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: for-foreach-Loop 1. for Loop for loop is used to execute a piece of code for certain number of times 2. for-each Loop for-each loop is used to iterate a condition over an a..


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: 1. while Loop while loop executes a block of code while a condition is true. 2. do-while loop do-while loop will always execute the piece of code at-least once. It will then..


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: if conditional statement is used to test some condition and if that condition is satisfied then execute the piece of code. if-else conditional statement is used to test some condi..


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: if-elsif-else conditional statement is used to check specific condition and if it is true execute the respective block else execute the default else block. switch is conditional c..


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: Perl provides 3 types of data structures. 1. Scalar This is the basic data structure in PERL. It is as good as defining variables in Perl. e.g $variable = 9; 2...


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: 1. Getting Last index of array 2. Getting length of an array To get the length, add 1 to last index of an array Other way is use scalar function on array or a..


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: 1. push Add element at the end of an array 2. pop Remove element from the end of an array 3. unshift Add element at the start of an array ..


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: 1. Accessing element of a hash 2. Basic hash functions keys Returns keys of a hash values Returns values of a hash each Retrieve the..


Foss : PERL - English

Outline: 1. Simple function 2. Function with parameters 3. Function which return single value 4. Function which returns multiple values
