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The Tutorials in this series are created in PostgreSQL 9.5.12 on Ubuntu 14.04. PostgreSQL is a open source relational database system. It runs on operating systems such as Linux, windows and Mac OS. It supports all major features like primary key, foreign keys, complex queries, aggregate functions, triggers, views, index, procedural languages etc. Read more

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Foss : RDBMS PostgreSQL - English

Outline: Insert single row to the table Insert multiple rows to the table How to execute the query Retrieve the data using select statement Introduction to Primary key Rules to define ..


Foss : RDBMS PostgreSQL - English

Outline: View data in the Edit data window Insert records in the Edit data window Inserting a NULL value in a record Basic SELECT statement SELECT statement with WHERE clause Compariso..


Foss : RDBMS PostgreSQL - English

Outline: DISTINCT clause in SELECT statement How to use BETWEEN operator in SELECT statement How to use LIKE operator in SELECT statement Usage of percent and underscore wildcards with e..


Foss : RDBMS PostgreSQL - English

Outline: What is a Foreign key? Foreign key link between students and department table Create a parent table department Alter table command Add a new column to the existing students tab..


Foss : RDBMS PostgreSQL - English

Outline: Aggregate functions What is Group by clause? Syntax for Group by clause Examples for using Group by clause with one/multiple columns Having clause Syntax for Having clause Ex..


Foss : RDBMS PostgreSQL - English

Outline: Update statement Syntax for Update statement Examples for Update statement Updating multiple columns Syntax for Delete statement Examples for Delete statement Delete rows for..


Foss : Ruby - English

Outline: 1.1 Introduction to Ruby What is Ruby? Features Ruby gems Help on ruby 1.2 Installation Installation of ruby 1.9 through Ubuntu Software Centre..


Foss : Ruby - English

Outline: 2.1 Introduction -Ruby and variable Dynamic typing -Declaring a variable -Changing variable type -Converting the var value i.e to float,string,binary etc ..


Foss : Ruby - English

Outline: 3.1 What is method Working with methods Declaring and Calling a method 3.2 Passing arguments to a method Explaining the arguments and syntax with example...


Foss : Ruby - English

Outline: Arithmetic Operators Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Modulus Exponent Precedence of operators Relational Operators Double equal to == Not..


Foss : Ruby - English

Outline: Logical operator And && Or || Not ! Parallel assignment Range operator Inclusive Operator(..) Exclusive operator (...)


Foss : Ruby - English

Outline: Control Statements in Ruby What are control statements Syntax for if statement if..else statement if..elsif statement Examples on it..


Foss : Ruby - English

Outline: * for & each loops in Ruby * Meaning of the term “loop” * Different kinds of loop * Syntax of “for” loop * Example implementation of “for” loop * Syntax of “each” loop * Exam..


Foss : Ruby - English

Outline: * while & until loops in Ruby * Usage of while loop with an example * Usage of until loop with an example * Usage of redo construct with an example * Usage of break wit..


Foss : Ruby - English

Outline: * Object Oriented Concept in Ruby * Classes in Ruby * How to create objects * Different ways of defining methods in Ruby *Using ? and = to define meaningful methods * Exampl..


Foss : Ruby - English

Outline: * Methods in Ruby * What are * instance methods * class methods * accessor methods * Example implementation of each of the above * Difference between them


Foss : Scilab - English

Outline: What is FOSS? Why FOSS ? About Scilab and its benefits Scilab is reliable Use of Scilab in CNES Use of Scilab for space mission analysis and flight dynamics Industrial applic..


Foss : Scilab - English

Outline: About Spoken Tutorial Created for self learning Dubbed in all 22 languages Scilab spoken tutorials 25 spoken tutrials on Scilab Side by side learning Spoken tutorial used as ..


Foss : Scilab - English

Outline: Opensource software problem, no good documentation for FLOSS Solution: Textbook companion project Scilab code for standard textbooks Demo of Textbook companion Download Scilab ..


Foss : Scilab - English

Outline: Lab migration Demo of Lab migration on FOSSEE Scilab website Download PDF for lab solution Scilab Toolboxes FOSSEE Optimisation toolbox available on atoms website IEEE paper ..
