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About 1286 results found.

Foss : Website Information - English

Outline: On the Spoken Tutorial website, explain how to - * suggest a topic * suggest an example * collaborate with us How to view and download videos for dubbing


Foss : What is Spoken Tutorial - English

Outline: What-is-Spoken-Tutorial


Foss : What is Spoken Tutorial - English

Outline: What is Spoken Tutorial 2mins intro


Foss : Xfig - English

Outline: Simple block diagram Explain panel on left hand side, bottom, top left and canvas of Xfig worksheet Create a box, increase thickness through editing Create an arro..


Foss : Xfig - English

Outline: Feedback control diagram Open the .fig file created in the simple block diagram tutorial Copy the box Change the text justification to centre aligned Enter te..


Foss : Xfig - English

Outline: Feedback diagram with Maths Open the .fig file saved in the feedback control tutorial Put $G(z) = \frac z{z-1}$ in the second block diagram Choose the special flag..
