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The tutorials in this series are created using Bootstrap 4.6.0, HTML5 and CSS3 on Ubuntu Linux OS v 18.04. Bootstrap is an open-source and front-end framework. It is useful for easy and fast web development. It was created in mid-2010 at Twitter. At that time, before being open-sourced framework, it was known as twitter blueprint. It was first released in August, 2011. It includes CSS and HTML based predefined designs templates and classes for forms, tables, navigations, etc. and optional JavaScript plugins. It is easy to use as only basic knowledge of HTML and CSS are required. It creates responsive web pages which automatically adjust as per screen size from small screen mobiles to large screen desktops. Mobile-First approach is the part of core framework. It is compatible with all the modern browsers. Read more

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  1. Instruction Sheet
  2. Installation Sheet

Foss : Bootstrap - English

Outline: Input Group and Button in Bootstrap About Input group classes with examples About Input Group Sizing Example to change the size of the Input group About Button and Button cla..


Foss : Bootstrap - English

Outline: Inline Forms in Bootstrap Design two layouts using Bootstrap classes Create Login and Sign up buttons How to use button classes on anchor elements? About .btn-block class Ex..


Foss : Bootstrap - English

Outline: Nav in Bootstrap Create navigation components About .nav class Create navigation using <ul> and <ol> tags Example using <ul> and <ol> tags Create navigation using <nav> tag ..


Foss : Bootstrap - English

Outline: Navbar in Bootstrap About various navbar components Create a navigation in the navbar Display a logo using navbar-brand class Create components using navbar-nav class About ..


Foss : Bootstrap - English

Outline: Dropdowns in Bootstrap About dropdowns Various characters of dropdowns Displaying lists of options and links using dropdowns About dropdown classes Using the <anchor> tag cr..


Foss : Bootstrap - English

Outline: List Group in Bootstrap About list group classes Create a list group of an unordered list List group with links and buttons About .list-group class and .list-group-item clas..


Foss : Bootstrap - English

Outline: Alert and Badge in Bootstrap About Alert Various Alert classes How to use .alert-link class? How to close the alert? Create a dismissal alert Create a badge Various Badge..


Foss : Bootstrap - English

Outline: Jumbotron and Breadcrumb in Bootstrap Display the contents such as heading, paragraph, etc. using Jumbotron Create a breadcrumb as Home/Login About Jumbotron Add a .jumbotron..


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: BOSS Linux desktop BOSS Linux Desktop Main Menu System Tray Trash Bin icon (RHS corner) Desktop icon (LHS corner), pen-drive


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: Synaptic package manager Synaptic Package Manager How to install packages


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: Basic Commands Commands with example Command interpreter Shell Using man Apropos Whatis Using --help option


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: General Purpose Utilities in BOSS Linux echo uname who passwd date cal Brief overview on Files and directories pwd ls cat


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: File System File Directory File Inode Types of Files Home directory and Current directory Change Directory(cd) mkdir,rmdir


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: Working with Regular Files cat rm cp mv cmp wc


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: File Attributes chown, chmod, chmod -R, displaying files with ls -l chmod u+, chmod a-w, chmod g+w, chmod -r, chgrp inode, hard link, symbolic link


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: Redirection Pipes Input,output and error stream Redirection : > and >> Pipes : |


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: Working with Linux Process Process Shell process Process spawning - parent and child process Process attributes - pid, ppid Init Process User proces..


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: The Linux Environment Environment variable vs Local variables set command env command SHELL, HOME, PATH, LOGNAME, PS1, PS2 history ! and ~ ali..


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: Basics of System Administration Root login-su User management - UID, GID, useradd, usermod, userdel Discs – Du, df


Foss : BOSS Linux - English

Outline: Simple filters Head tail sort cut paste
