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The Tutorials in this series are created using Git 2.3.2 on Ubuntu 14.04. Git is a distributed version control software. It is a free and open source software. It keeps track of changes made to a file or set of files. It helps in tracking the project progress history. Read more

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  1. Instruction Sheet
  2. Installation Sheet
  3. Brochures

Foss : Git - English

Outline: - Introduction to Version Control System - Introduction to Git - Installation of Git on Ubuntu Linux and Windows operating systems.


Foss : Git - English

Outline: -Explain the Git repository -Explain about .git folder -How to configure Git -Explain about staging area -Explain about SHA-1 hash -Explain the basic commands of Git such as g..


Foss : Git - English

Outline: - Add multiple files to Git repository - Remove a file from Git repository - Restore the removed file - Discard the changes made to a file and - Revert to an earlier revision


Foss : Git - English

Outline: - The commands for inspection and comparison of files using Git - git diff - git show - git blame - git help


Foss : Git - English

Outline: - What is tagging - Types of tags Lightweight tag Annotated tag


Foss : Git - English

Outline: - What is Branching - Work flow of Branching - How to create a branch - Switching between branches


Foss : Git - English

Outline: - What is merging - How to merge two branches - How to revert a merge - How to delete branches after merging - How to delete branches without merging


Foss : Git - English

Outline: - About stashing - Creating stashes - Applying stashes - Deleting a stash - Removing all the stashes at once


Foss : Git - English

Outline: - Git repository hosting services - Creating a GitHub account - Exploring the GitHub interface - Creating a repository in GitHub - Creating branches in the repository - Creat..


Foss : Git - English

Outline: - Explaining what is a remote repository - Synchronizing data to a remote repository
