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Linux is one of the most popular Operating Systems used in todays world. Read more

About 17 results found.
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Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Ubuntu Linux Desktop 16.04 Ubuntu Linux Desktop on gnome environment The launcher Some of the icons visible on Launcher Calculator, gedit Text Editor, Terminal, Firefox ..


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Desktop Customization 16.04 The Launcher Remove applications from the Launcher Add applications to the Launcher System Settings Appearance settings Workspace switcher Use ..


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Installing software in Ubuntu Linux 16.04 OS Install software via Terminal Installing Synaptic Package Manager Install software via Synaptic Package Manager Configure proxy ..


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Basic Commands Commands with example Command interpreter Shell Using man Apropos Whatis Using --help option


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: General Purpose Utilities in Linux echo uname who passwd date cal Brief overview on Files and directories pwd ls cat


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: File System File Directory File Inode Types of Files Home directory and Current directory Change Directory(cd) mkdir,rmdir


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Working with Regular Files cat rm cp mv cmp wc


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: File Attributes chown, chmod, chmod -R, displaying files with ls -l chmod u+, chmod a-w, chmod g+w, chmod -r, chgrp inode, hard link, symbolic link


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Redirection Pipes Input,output and error stream Redirection : > and >> Pipes : |


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Working with Linux Process Process Shell process Process spawning - parent and child process Process attributes - pid, ppid Init Process User proces..


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: The Linux Environment Environment variable vs Local variables set command env command SHELL, HOME, PATH, LOGNAME, PS1, PS2 history ! and ~ ali..


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Basics of System Administration Root login-su User management - UID, GID, useradd, usermod, userdel Discs – Du, df


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Simple filters Head tail sort cut paste


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: The grep command To see the content of a file To list the entries of a particular stream To ignore cases Lines that do not match the pattern To list ..


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: More on grep command Search using grep To match more than one pattern To check a word that has different spelling Character class The use of * T..


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: The sed command sed To print using sed Line Addressing Context Addressing


Foss : Linux - English

Outline: Some more on sed command substitute insert delete
