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The tutorials in this series are created using in gcc version 4.6.1 on Ubuntu 11.10 11.10Advanced C is for the programmer who has some experience writing applications in C or a similar language. This includes allocating large data objects which at compile time, is seldom practical, especially if the data objects are used frequently and for a short time. Instead, you usually allocate these data objects at runtime. C compiler produces the object module, preprocesses the input file, allocates internal storage for various data-types, creates memory data-structures, standard file I/O library etc. Read more

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Foss : Advance C - English

Outline: Command Line arguments in C main function with arguments argc argv Header files


Foss : Advance C - English

Outline: Typedef and Union in C typedef keyword Union keyword Syntax and use of typedef and union Difference between union and structure ex: Check whether number is a pallindrome ..


Foss : Advance C - English

Outline: Storage class specifiers storage class specifiers auto keyword static keyword extern keyword register keyword


Foss : Advanced Cpp - English

Outline: Classes and Objects in C++ -Defining Classes -create a class -Defining Objects -create an object of the class -Member Functions -To create a function -Encaps..


Foss : Advanced Cpp - English

Outline: Constructor and Destructor -Constructor and Destructor -To create a constructor -Parameterized constructors -Default constructor -Destructor


Foss : Advanced Cpp - English

Outline: static members in C++ -Static Keyword -Static variable -Static member function


Foss : Advanced Cpp - English

Outline: Inheritance -Inheritance -Concept of subclass and superclass -Types of inheritance -single level inheritance -Multilevel inheritance


Foss : Advanced Cpp - English

Outline: More on Inheritance -Multiple Inheritance * derived class inherits from more than one base class. -Hierarchical Inheritance * multiple derived classes inherit f..


Foss : Advanced Cpp - English

Outline: Function overloading -function overriding -difference between both


Foss : Advanced Cpp - English

Outline: Polymorphism in C++ -Polymorphism -Virtual Members -Virtual Function


Foss : Advanced Cpp - English

Outline: Abstract class in C++ -Pure virtual function-abstract class -abstract methods


Foss : Advanced Cpp - English

Outline: Friend Function -friend function


Foss : Advanced Cpp - English

Outline: Exception Handling -Exceptions -try -throw -catch


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Introduction about Basic level tutorials Introduction about Intermediate level tutorials About Android studio About Kotlin Features of Kotlin Glimpse of Spoken Tutorials avail..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Installation of Android Studio System prerequisites for installation Demonstration on how to install Android Studio on Ubuntu Linux OS Download from


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Launch the Android studio Create a new Android Studio project Steps for creating a new Application How to create a new activity? Explore the Android Studio interface Steps to ..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Creating a simple registration form How to use tools such as TextView, Plain Text and Buttons? Add a TextView and set the attributes How to align and resize a view in Constraint..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Open an existing Android Studio Project Why we need Radio Group? How to add Radio Group? Set the attributes for Radio Group How to add Radio button? Set the text attribute for..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Open an existing Android Studio Project How to add Spinner? Set the attributes for spinner Add list of items to spinner through kotlin code Create an array adapter Source code..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Create a new Android Studio project as ST search Data identification in Spoken tutorial server Design the App with Text views, Spinner and Search button How to store the FOSS an..
