I'm using DWSIM v 8.5.1 I'm unable to fine reaction manager in the tools and I can't even locate edit tab. And I have also noticed that solutions are always differences in the lecture and when we work it out. Please recover it soon, it is difficult for us to learn.
What is the function of the two outlet streams from a conversion Reactor? Are the two separate outlet streams for liquid and vapor phases respectively?
How to specify the reaction for each reactor?
in case study, we have added 3 components as (ethylene,oxygen,water) in feed stream as mentioned , but in reaction the product is ethylene oxide so now while adding chemical reactions the ethylene oxide will not appear. now what to do is their any alternative to add or i need to have a new flowsheet & start over again?
1. How is the conversion reactor different from CSTR & PFR?2.When to use one?
cant find reactions manager in tools
Unable to locate reactions manager command in tools option. I am using DWSIM version 6 on Windows 10. Conversion reactor tutorial 15min 18sec
can u just explain that conversion,in that +273 or -273 and if we have the question like 50%, 80% conversion how we can take that...
I am unable to find "New Steady-state simulation" option under File Menu as displayed in the tutorial. I am using DWSIM Version 6.1 Update 1.
I am unable to find any green tick button to Accept changes. I am using DWSIM Version 6.1 Update 1
I am unable to find Filter List tab to type Material Stream as mentioned in the video. I am using DWSIM Version 6.1 Update 1
I cannot locate Flowsheet Object on the right-hand side of Main Window. I am using DWSIM Version 6.1 Update 1
Dear team,I provided all the necessary things in reactions manager and feed but after simulation the liquid product stream was not simulated,it shows red colour and also an errror massage is being shown.What should I do?
Got the following error while simulating the assignment problem with the parameter specified. Liquid Product: PR EOS: unable to find a root with provided parameters [T = 698.15 K, P = 20000000 Pa, MoleFracs={ NaN, NaN, NaN, }]I am using DWSIM 6.0 Update 6 on Windows 10.Used Nitrogen as BC with 20% Conversion.And Isothermic Calculation mode in the Reactor.
I am able to get the conversion result only for Carbon Monoxide, which matches the result. (for the problem solved in the video). But I am unable to see the conversion result of methanol and Hydrogen. Why is that happening??Please help
i am using the DWSIM v4.0i exact process the simulation but do not result same .pls give me the suggesion
The liquid stream shows an error describing "roots cannot be found with provided parameters" and the mole fractions show NaN
The conversion of carbon monoxide and hydrogen is Nan showing in the result of conversion reactor. In the master property table the molar and mass flow rate of mixture and individual component is also showing Nan in the vapour phase column
9881 visits
Outline:Selecting chemical components and thermodynamics Adding material and Energy streams to the flowsheet Defining the properties of the streams Using Reactions Manager Defining Conversion reaction Using Include, Base Component (BC) Adding stoichiometric coefficients Defining Conversion Reactions Parameters Adding conversion reactor to the flowsheet Defining conversion as percentage Defining conversion as a function of temperature Connecting feed, product, energy streams to the reactor Defining Calculation mode and Reactor parameters
Selecting chemical components and thermodynamics Adding material and Energy streams to the flowsheet Defining the properties of the streams Using Reactions Manager Defining Conversion reaction Using Include, Base Component (BC) Adding stoichiometric coefficients Defining Conversion Reactions Parameters Adding conversion reactor to the flowsheet Defining conversion as percentage Defining conversion as a function of temperature Connecting feed, product, energy streams to the reactor Defining Calculation mode and Reactor parameters
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