Invalid syntax "cat primes. txt"
after typing this cat primes.txt it shows an invalid syntax error. I have downloaded the given code file, still shows primes.txt File "<ipython-input-2-b296f9e207f4>", line 1 cat primes.txt ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Dear sir/ma'am I tried downloading the code files i.e pendulum.txt pendulum_semicolon.txt primes.txt but it show "Your files couldn't be accessed" so could you please help me with this!
!type "C:\Users\sandh\Sanjit-11G30-Python\Loading-Data-From-Files- ...: Codefiles\primes.txt"2357111317192329313741434753596167717379838997In [27]: !type primes.txtThe system cannot find the file specified.why does it happen like this?
I download that code files but when I use it they can't runGive error like invalid syntax.
Hi sirThe cat commandcat primes.txt shows errorIt does't accept it shows invalid syntax
when I run the command "cat primes.txt",it shows invalid syntax .Instead when the command is run as "!type primes.txt",it shows "the system cannot find the file specified", even though i have installed the 'pip install file'.Kindly help me with this query ASAP.Thanking You. Kind Regards, Rithika.B
Professor,What to do with this error? I did the same as you are saying to do. I am stuck here from last 2 days.
Hi Team, I'm using python 3.10.8 when I enter cat comment getting ' Invalid' error message.
I am using Python in windows10. Used !type for loading file. But unable to perform loadtxt() cmd;to store the list in variable primes. File "<ipython-input-4-fb9b7fac2a2b>", line 1 primes=loadtxt("C:\Users\Kriti\OneDrive\Desktop\Primes.txt") ^SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape
I am using new version of python on windows but cat primes.txt not working. Kindly suggest any alternative.
Where should I paste the code files from the tutorial page?cat primes.txt -----shows invalid syntax.
i am using windows machine to practice pyhton code, so i can not use "cat" command to open text file.
when i type -- primes = loadtxt("C:\Users\ravi\Downloads\primes.txt") there is unicode error if i type --primes = loadtxt ("primes.txt") error is --SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape error- is primes.txt not found i am use window 8.1 pro plz suggest me command and all video command for window
Sir There is an error message when I try the "unpack=true" command. It shows " name true is not defined" .I am working with windows OS. Please guide me what to do.
I am unable to see files using the cat command....Please help me out.
windows cann't recognize cat command in python console
cat.primes.txt is not working in my %pylabs it is showing invalid syntax i am using windows
I'm not able to fetch and run the txt file code which i have downloaded. Please help me find out how to run code given on tutorials links.
In [3]: ! type C:\Users\91877\Downloads\primes.txt 23 5 7 11 13 17 19 23 29 31 37 41 43 47 53 59 61 67 71 73 79 83 89 97 In [4]: primes = !type("C:\Users\91877\Downloads\primes.txt") In [5]: print(primes) ['The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.']
when I enter In [3]: !type primes.txt The system cannot find the file specified. this comes as the output so what will I do now . I have checked the path of the file and all. Everything is correct but the interpreter is not reading the file plzz help.
In [3]: loadtxt()? File "<ipython-input-3-ab08fe1b8731>", line 1 loadtxt()? ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax
what is the alternate command for a cat in windows? and to read the files
Dear Sir/Madam, I'm running python on windows platform. After using !primes.txt, the values are getting displayed on notepad. After that I'm not able to access the terminal for continuing with the program. Kindly resolve. Thank you.
while reading the data from file i am getting below statementIn [2]: !type primes.txtThe system cannot find the file specified..................................................................and this the location codes files belowC:\Users\VIMAL SORENi also tried locationC:\Users\VIMAL SOREN\.ipython and C:\Users\VIMAL SOREN\.matplotlibbut facing the same issue.because of that my learning has stoppedplease help me....
What is the alternate command for cat in windows?
L, T = loadtxt("filename", unpack= true) showing error that name 'true'is not defined.
error in cat command. where to place the primes.txt file after downloading it.
The system cannot find the file specified. What i do sir?
when i type %pycat ("c:/users/modek/desktop/primes.txt") it shows c/users/modek/desktop/primes.txt as per mentor video file is does not display on my terminal plz help me
when i type %pycat ("c/users/modek/desktop/primes.txt") it shows c/users/modek/desktop/primes.txt as per mentor video file is does not display on my terminal
How to write cat command with file path, if file exists in other directory ( Windows OS ).
I am not able to show my data from my windows 10 laptop. I have used !type C:Users/username/filepath/filename.txt. Again I have used without username without Users username but I can't to do that.If you need screenshot of it where I have to submit it?
I tried to use the cat function but not working. Says invalid syntax. Moreover i search using cat? it says object not found. I am using Python 3.6.8 in windows10. please help! Is there any other parameter in lieu of cat.
Hello, everyone, I could not run primes.txt file even using the command for window 10 like !type primes.txt plz help how to resolve this problem
if i use cat command it shows syntax error so which command i should use now to correct the syntax error
Does python fetches files from a specific location in the system or from anywhere?Reframing the question: does the file needs to be present in the working directory for fetching the details
I am getting syntax error every time I am using cat primes.txt command. I am using Windows OS. I have downloaded the code files from the spoken tutorial and extracted it. My path is also same where the extracted files are located.
even after trying alternatives for cat in window i.e, %pycat primes.txt!type primes.txt%load primes.txtthe file file is not loading.please mention how to load text files.the files are downloaded into laptop and are present in downloads folder.
What is the use of unpack attribute within the loadtxt() function? Why does it take a Boolean value?
Sir, I am using cat command as shown in tutorial in window OS but it is showing error, Please help.
In [2]: cat primes.txt File "<ipython-input-2-b296f9e207f4>", line 1 cat primes.txt ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [47]: !type D:\python\Python\28fs385.txt57.66470.460.8In [48]: z=loadtxt("D:\python\Python\28fs385.txt")---------------------------------------------------------------------------OSError Traceback (most recent call last)<ipython-input-48-3b2437862d37> in <module>----> 1 z=loadtxt("D:\python\Python\28fs385.txt")c:\users\manda\appdata\local\programs\python\python38\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\ in loadtxt(fname, dtype, comments, delimiter, converters, skiprows, usecols, unpack, ndmin, encoding, max_rows) 979 fname = os_fspath(fname) 980 if _is_string_like(fname):--> 981 fh =, 'rt', encoding=encoding) 982 fencoding = getattr(fh, 'encoding', 'latin1') 983 fh = iter(fh)c:\users\manda\appdata\local\programs\python\python38\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\ in open(path, mode, destpath, encoding, newline) 267 268 ds = DataSource(destpath)--> 269 return, mode, encoding=encoding, newline=newline) 270 271c:\users\manda\appdata\local\programs\python\python38\lib\site-packages\numpy\lib\ in open(self, path, mode, encoding, newline) 621 encoding=encoding, newline=newline) 622 else:--> 623 raise IOError("%s not found." % path) 624 625OSError: D:\python\Python8fs385.txt not found.Why I am getting above error
Respected Sir / Madam I am using IPython 5.3.0 as an interactive mode through Python 3.6.1: Anaconda 4.4.0 for windows (32-bit). My text file (numbers.txt) was in path the C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\numbers.txt. First, as per instruction I initialized the %pylab package and tried to load cat command but it is not working. then I check by typing cat? it shows as object 'cat' not found.
We faced 2 issues :1. cat command is specific to unix (linux). It does not work on windows. But certain commands such as pwd ( print working directory ) works on windows. I have installed Python & IPython on my Windows 7 ( Professional )2. The last question the answer is not correct. The question is "Given a file data.txt with 3 columns of data separated by spaces, read into 3 separate simple sequences. The answer in the video is : x = loadtxt("data.txt", unpack = True, delimiter=":") Answer should be => x, y, z = loadtxt("data.txt", unpack=True, delimiter=":")3. Second Question also the answer is incorrect. We should be using 3 variables on the LHS
i am using windows os, where to store primes.txt file so that cat can retrieve it ?
hi, i am using windows 10 , the command 'cat primes.txt' is not working please help
Answers of questions 2,3 To separate data into 3 separate sequences, we need 3 variables.But in video ,answer is X=loadtxt("data.txt",unpack=True)Only one variable is used.Is it right.
Sir,Here we are unpacking a file containing 3 columns but storing it in single variable. Is this correct format?
I had downloded all the files of the above course and had extracted both pendulum and data file.But when I type cat command the interpretere shows syntax error.Where should i save the extracted zip files?
how to download files and apply cat command . there is a link provided to download files and i was not knowing wher to dwnld these files from
I couldn't run Cat command in windows 10 to display prime numbers. I tried to use !type filename.txt but I couldn't give proper file name. Pl inform how should I give filename and is there any requirement to install specified file to list out prime numbers in windows 10.
In [6]: cat primes.txt File "<ipython-input-6-b296f9e207f4>", line 1 cat primes.txt ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax
sir , U have used only one variable to read data.txt but it contains 3 columnsx=loadtxt("data.txt",unpacked=true,delimiter=":")how three sequences are stored only in the video prevously we used L and M variables asL,M=loadtxt("pendulum_semicolon.txt",unpacked=True,delimiter=";")
cat C:/Users/Monish Naware/Desktop/Archana/Python/Loading-Data-From-Files-Codefiles/pendulum_semicolon.txtSyntaxError: invalid syntax
i am using python 3.6.7 and ipython 7.13.0 on windows can't find cat command in this version
Downloaded primes.txt from code files.Where to save it for proper working of cat command.As per video cat command not working for windows
I am not able to use cat commandit gives syntax errori am using windows osi tried !type but it said syntax incorrecteven i m not able to execute in jupyter
cat command not working.In [22]: cat prime.txt File "<ipython-input-22-628c075c3ac5>", line 1 cat prime.txt ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax
I kept all files in default location as well as D:\\python FDP\\pendulum_semicolon.txt'In [48]: cat pendulum_semicolon.txt File "<ipython-input-48-e05dcfac3bb1>", line 1 cat pendulum_semicolon.txt ^SyntaxError: invalid syntaxIn [49]: pendsemi=loadtxt("pendulum_semicolon.txt")---------------------------------------------------------------------------ValueError: could not convert string to float: '1.0000e-01;6.9004e-01'In [52]: open("D:\python FDP\pendulum_semicolon.txt")Out[52]: <_io.TextIOWrapper name='D:\python FDP\pendulum_semicolon.txt' mode='r' encoding='cp1252'>any problem with windows version?
I am using python 3.7 version in windows 10.the 'cat' function is not available and the file is not opening.please, provide the required solution.I have tried the other way by load function also but it is not opening.
As per teacher following and when cat command is entered, error is comming, no list of prime number is displayed on terminal, as it is on tutorial terminal...
When tried to use CAT PRIME.TXT, it says invalid syntax.Tried to give the complete path also, still the error
my question is between sequesnce 1.12 to1.22 seconds. i downloaded the zip file of the code which contains primes.txt, pendulum.txt and saved it. after that when I use "cat" comd to extract the prime numbers or pendulum details from the list it is giving a syntax error and I cannot proceed further wrt loading of the prime numbers etc as being did you use the text file so that when i use cat comd the numbers get displayed on the console. i feel it cannot read the file.thanks
In [2]: %pylabUsing matplotlib backend: TkAggPopulating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlibIn [3]: cat primes.txt File "<ipython-input-3-b296f9e207f4>", line 1 cat primes.txt ^SyntaxError: invalid syntaxIn [4]: !type primes.txtThe system cannot find the file specified.Can you please help.
the cat command on windows does not work
cat primes.txt File "<ipython-input-2-b296f9e207f4>", line 1 cat primes.txt ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Sir,while executing the program as explained in the video, the shell shows an invalid syntax for cat command, i have already downloaded the primes.txt file from code files and saved in the same directory. even after giving full path of the file, it shows same error.
cat command is not working.It shows following errorIn [72]: cat primes.txt File "<ipython-input-72-4725bd19fac0>", line 1 cat prims.txt ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax
On giving cat primes.txt command, it throws an invalid syntax error. Kindly guide.
question no. 2 and 3 solutions provide confusion to me, because u told two separate sequence , two variables can use. in this case three separate sequence, three variables only use but in your solution you are using only one variable, how it posiible.
In [2]: cat primes.txt File "<ipython-input-2-b296f9e207f4>", line 1 cat primes.txt ^SyntaxError: invalid syntaxplease tell the solution to solve the error
IN windows i use the command cat primes.txt not run. How to use the command cat primes?if i use the method like open the file i.e. fd=open('primes.txt') case of writting the 3 line just use the cat primes.txt only it's run in ubuntu? not in window?
are primes.txt and pendulum.txt in built files? when I tried opening the files ,gives error.
While solving the self evaluation question ,I created a file data.txt having three columns separated by ";". when I use loadtxt command it gives me an error "could not convert string to an float: 'y_5\x00'give me the solution.
loadtxt command not working
loadtxt command not workingshowing error%pycat is successful.In [30]: %pycat C:\Users\Pavilion15\Downloads\primes.txt2357111317192329313741434753596167717379838997In [31]: primes=loadtxt("C:\Users\Pavilion15\Downloads\primes.txt") File "<ipython-input-31-e07a60e37db7>", line 1 primes=loadtxt("C:\Users\Pavilion15\Downloads\primes.txt") ^SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 2-3: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape
cat command is not working on windows.In [2]: cat primes.txt File "<ipython-input-2-b296f9e207f4>", line 1 cat primes.txt ^SyntaxError: invalid syntaxIn [3]: cat?Object `cat` not found.
!type C:/myfolder/primes.txt it given the syntactical error
Spoken\r\nTutorial, IIT Bombay\r\n\r\nhttp\r\ns://\r\n\r\nPython\r\n3.4.3\r\n\r\nLoading\r\nData From Files -Assignments\r\n\r\nAssignment-22. Given a file \u201cdata.txt\u201d with three columns of data separated by\r\nspaces. Read it into 3 separate simplesequences.Answer \u2013// sorry, can\u2019t show the\r\nexecution as the file is not available in the download section.x = loadtxt("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/gaurav patni IIT\r\nBombay ...: Tutorials 22 june 2019/data.txt",unpack=True) print (x) 3. Given a file \u201cdata.txt\u201d with three columns of data separated by \u201c:\u201d.\r\nRead it into 3 separate simplesequences.Answer \u2013// sorry, can\u2019t show the\r\nexecution as the file is not available in the download section.x = loadtxt("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/gaurav patni IIT\r\nBombay ...: Tutorials 22 june 2019/data.txt",unpack=True,\r\ndelimite ...: r=":") \r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nprint (x)
primes.txt is not loading
In [105]: %pylabUsing matplotlib backend: TkAggPopulating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlibIn [106]: cat primes.txt File "<ipython-input-106-b296f9e207f4>", line 1 cat primes.txt ^SyntaxError: invalid syntax primes.txt File "<ipython-input-110-b296f9e207f4>", line 1 cat primes.txt ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax 2.even !type filename.txt is showingThe system cannot find the file specified.
cat primes.txtFile "<ipython-input-75-b296f9e207f4>", line 1 cat primes.txt ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax I am using jupyter notebook why am i getting this error
when using cat command, syntax error is coming. Is there an alternative?
sir/madam, I am facing a problem in loading the file . i couldn't place the file in the desired location such that it could be accessed by the cat command. i hope i would get my needs fulfilled. and i don't know where to place the files also ?so i need help.
please provide the procedure to read primes.txt file in windows step by step
!type primes.txtI used the above command since I am a window user. Below is the error I got.The system cannot find the file specified. Where to save the primes text file?I have currently saved the attachments in .ipython3 folder.
When I type the command cat primes.txt I am getting syntax error, also how to download the code files
while using cat command,it is showing syntax error.Is there a way to solve this problem?
The question 2 and 3 solutions seem to be confusion for me, since in the question it was asked to display the answer into 3 separate simple sequences, so my answers are2) L,T,S = loadtxt("data.txt",unpack = True)3) L,T, S = loadtxt("data.txt",unpack = True,delimiter = ":")Just clear my doubts since the answers given are x = loadtxt("data.txt",unpack = True)x = loadtxt("data.txt",unpack = True,delimiter = ":")
I am using 3.6.8 version of python . In lading data from file is not working.. by cat commend is not lading the input txt file.. kindly help me for data loading.
cat file1.txt this command is file with number as well as stringsbut s=loadtxt("file1.txt") this command is fine only if data is number in file1.txt. In case of strings/text this command is not working?
What is the alternate command for CAT in windows?.
cat primes.txt giving error says invalid syntaxi have copy and paste the text file in current directory also but not workinghow to load file form other directory?
cat command not working. how to load text file. give file name including path as an example.
SirAccording to my knowledge you are telling how to retrieve a text from the file. for example primes.txt , but I don't have that text in my folder. While teaching this you need to educate us to save the text files before rather than just retrieve the text file directly. kindly check you video.if I am wrong kindly suggest me
How to find the current working directory for the ipython console? Where is the default location?
How to rectify syntax error for cat command?
why cat command shows invalid syantax
error: 'loadtxt' is not defined.
how to write the correct path name so that data can be load?
If I execute cat primes.txtIt shows invalid syntax.
37179 visits
Outline:load data from file single column multiple columns separated by delimiter cat command loadtxt() columns separated by spaces columns separated by semi-colon unpack argument delimiter argument three columns of data
load data from file single column multiple columns separated by delimiter cat command loadtxt() columns separated by spaces columns separated by semi-colon unpack argument delimiter argument three columns of data
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