deff('[y]=f(x)','y=1/(2*x+1)')--> Trap_composite(f,0,1,10)at line 2 of function f at line 4 of function Trap_composite ( C:\Users\MYPC\Desktop\IIT BOMBAY-SCILAB FDP 29.05.2023 to 03.06.2023\V-16 Integration-Codefiles\Trap_composite.sci line 8 )Operator /: Wrong dimensions for operation [1x1] / [1x11], same number of columns expected.
--> exec('C:\Users\satyanarayana\Desktop\Spokentutorial\Scilab\CompositeTrapezoidal.sce', -1)--> deff('[y]=f(x)','y=1/(2*x+1)')--> Composite_Trap(f,0,1,10)at line 2 of function f at line 4 of function Composite_Trap ( C:\Users\satyanarayana\Desktop\Spokentutorial\Scilab\CompositeTrapezoidal.sce line 4 )Inconsistent row/column dimensions.
when we solve equation , the code on the editor we have to paste on console window or directly write the output deff () function in the console window to get output .
deff('[y]=f(x)','y=1/(2*x+1)') Trap_composite (f,0,1,10)at line 2 of function f at line 4 of function Trap_composite ( C:\Users\lenovo\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$DIa8792.4780\Trap_composite.sci line 8 )Inconsistent row/column dimensions. .unable to get the answer
Can we solve problems on limits?
we are using scilab version 5.5.2 in windows 7 how we can get text editor for solving the assignment in integration tutorial
how we will find the numerical integration using weddles rule for n=6 and n=12is there any special command or method is there in scilab
-->deff('[y]=f(x)','\xfd=1/(2*x+1)')\xfd=1/(2*x+1) !--error 2 Invalid line 2 of function f called by : deff('[y]=f(x)','\xfd=1/(2*x+1)')unable to create function with deff (showing error)
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Outline:Outline: *বিভিন্ন যৌগিক সংখ্যাসূচক ইন্তিগ্ৰেচন এলগ’ৰিথমচৰ বাবে চাইলেব ক’ড বনোৱা *ইন্তিগ্ৰেলক সমান ইন্তাৰভেলচত ভগোৱা *প্ৰতিটো ইন্তাৰভেলত এলগ’ৰিথমটো প্ৰয়োগ কৰা *ইন্তিগ্ৰেলৰ যৌগিক মানটো গণনা কৰা
Outline: *বিভিন্ন যৌগিক সংখ্যাসূচক ইন্তিগ্ৰেচন এলগ’ৰিথমচৰ বাবে চাইলেব ক’ড বনোৱা *ইন্তিগ্ৰেলক সমান ইন্তাৰভেলচত ভগোৱা *প্ৰতিটো ইন্তাৰভেলত এলগ’ৰিথমটো প্ৰয়োগ কৰা *ইন্তিগ্ৰেলৰ যৌগিক মানটো গণনা কৰা
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