After I run spec(A) command, I see the additional '+0.i' part in the answer. I am using Scilab 6.1.0 on Ubuntu.
how to write matrix
DEar SIrwhile entering a 2x2 matrix i forgot to close the square bracket.then i use the enter key.Now i am unable to do the remaining properly.How to revert to initial command line?
How to interchange 2 rows in a matrix?
while typing 1/2 shows as 0.5 not 1upon 2
Is there any command in Scilab for getting random permutations of the integers 1:n as in MATLAB?If not how can I get the same using existing commands?
How to write matrix in upper triangular form
can we find determinant of a matrix having all entries unknown?
A*C-C*A !--error 9 Inconsistent subtraction. showing inconsistent subtraction errori tried puuting brackets then also same error pl explain
how to interchange the columns in 3x3 matirx?
Dear Sir,How to add a new column to an existing matrix
Sir, scilab is good but why will students be interested in learning and using scilab at school level as neither school nor CBSE will provide it to students during exams?
i could not understand the multiplication of different order mtrix
What is Elastcol?
if i have to apply just row operations, i need the operation for interchanging any two rows for my convenience.
How we can interchange the Row?
HELP ME IN SOLVING THIS QUESTION:Try solving the above system using the backslash method.
if size of the matrix is not known how to display second column of the matrix
IF A =[1 2 3; 4 5 6] and i want to extract column 1, 3 and row 1,2how to extract?
Rspected Sir/MamIn this Video you explained how to solve 3 pair of equation, is there any command ti find number of possible solution for that set of equation?
How we can use scilab to find the Eigen vectors of a square matrix?
by which command we will find the eigen vector of a matrix
how to print first and third row of a matrix (from matrix E)
in command cos(%pi/2) the answer is 6.123D-17my question is why in answer "D" is appear or what is the value of D
How to calculate determinent and eigenvalue of matrix?
how to interchange three rows in matrices???
how to interchange 3 rows in matrix operation
help chdir is not opening in my PC
%e^(%pi*%i)+1 in this exercise my answer is not coming 0 it is 1.225D-16i
Use a suitable sequence of row operations on A to bring A to upper triangular form.1
If i need to interchange second row to third row, wen i tried it is done afteroverwiting. Is there any command available in scilab to interchange rows or columns. if so please answer and explain.
Help me in solving this question:Multiply 1st and 2nd row with scalars, 3and 4 respectively, and determine the determinant of the resultant matrix.
How to generate a matrix containing random integer numbers?
Multiply 1st and 2nd row with scalars, 3\r\nand 4 respectively, and determine the determinant of the resultant to solve this
How to multiply row 1 and 2 with scalar 3.
A*C-C*A !--error 9 Inconsistent subtraction.I am getting the error like this, please guide
Please tell me how to find out the minimum value of the element in the matrix and the location of that value in the matrix
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Outline:म्याट्रिक्स अपरेसनहरु स्क्वार म्याट्रिक्स Q = [1 5; 2 4], S = [2 0; 4 1] det(Q), diag(Q), T=Q+S, Q-S, Q*S, E = 2*Q + 3*S म्याट्रिक्स रचना: zeros(3,4), ones(2,5), eye(4,4), diag([1 2 3]), rand(2,3) साथै हामी यी म्याट्रिक्सहरु अर्को उही साइजको म्याट्रिक्स आर्गुमेंटको रुपमा पठाएर कसरी रचना गर्ने(zeros, ones, eye, rand)- zeros(A), rand(A)
म्याट्रिक्स अपरेसनहरु स्क्वार म्याट्रिक्स Q = [1 5; 2 4], S = [2 0; 4 1] det(Q), diag(Q), T=Q+S, Q-S, Q*S, E = 2*Q + 3*S म्याट्रिक्स रचना: zeros(3,4), ones(2,5), eye(4,4), diag([1 2 3]), rand(2,3) साथै हामी यी म्याट्रिक्सहरु अर्को उही साइजको म्याट्रिक्स आर्गुमेंटको रुपमा पठाएर कसरी रचना गर्ने(zeros, ones, eye, rand)- zeros(A), rand(A)
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