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The Tutorials in this series are created using LaTeX 2.9 on Ubuntu 14.04. LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system,it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. In this series, you can also learn to use XFig, the diagram component of LaTeX. Read more

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Foss : LaTeX - Bengali

Outline: Tables and Figures (টেবিল এবং আকৃতি) LaTeX এ টেবিল এবং আকৃতি বানানো


Foss : LaTeX - Bengali

Outline: Beamer Beamer ব্যবহার করে একটি উপস্থাপনা বানানো


Foss : LaTeX - Bengali

Outline: বিবলিওগ্রাফি LaTeX এ বিবলিওগ্রাফি বানানো


Foss : LaTeX - Bengali

Outline: Maths এর সাথে ফিডব্যাক ডায়াগ্রাম ফিডব্যাক কন্ট্রোল টিউটোরিয়ালে সংরক্ষিত .fig ফাইল খোলা দ্বিতীয় ব্লক ডায়াগ্রামে $G(z) = \frac zz-1$ রাখা বিশিষ্ট ফ্ল্যাগ নির্বাচ..


Foss : LaTeX - Bhojpuri

Outline: Letter Writing Letter document class 12pt and 11pt and 10pt font size From address appearing in top right hand corner - remove and put it back Automatic gener..


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Installing MikTeX on Windows Writing basic LaTeX document using TeXworks editor Configuring MikTeX to download missing packages


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Report Writing report style having chapter, section and subsection article style having section, subsection and subsubsection Automatic generation of table of contents toc fi..


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Letter Writing Letter document class From address Automatic generation and format of date Starting a new line with double slash To address Starting a ..


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Mathematical Typesetting $ sign to begin and end mathematical expressions Creating alpha, beta, gamma and delta Space being used as a terminator of symbols Creating spaces in..


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Equations Creating an equation Writing multiple equations Aligning multiple equations amsmath package $ mode align environment intertext command Unnumbered align* environ..


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Numbering Equations amsmath numbering equations align environment nonumber command labelling equations with the label command cross referencing equations with the ref comma..


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Tables and Figures Creating tables and figures in LaTeX


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Beamer Creating a presentation using Beamer


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Bibliography Creating Bibliography in LaTeX


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Feedback diagram with Maths Open the .fig file saved in the feedback control tutorial Put $G(z) = \frac z{z-1}$ in the second block diagram Choose the special flag..


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: What is a command? Different types of commands with examples Defining a new command Defining short commands for long repeated input. Commands with parameter Passing param..


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: What is an environment? Defining a new environment Defining environments with parameters Renewenvironment Redefining an existing environment to the required output


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Writing Style Files in LaTeX About LaTeX Styles files. Writing a Style file for LaTeX. Importing a Style file in LaTeX. Defining a standard Style file for LaTeX. newcommand ..


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Indic Language Typesetting in LateX Typeset a document in Indic language using XeLaTeX. Indic language fonts bundle. Installing Indic language Fonts. Installing Nirmala UI Fo..


Foss : LaTeX - English

Outline: Beamer Themes and Animation About Beamer Theme Matrix Add Beamer Themes Add Beamer Color Themes Usage of Warsaw and Madrid Themes Usage of Beaver and Crane Color Themes Nav..
