The ns-3 simulator is a sophisticated, discrete-event network simulator, widely used for research and educational purposes in the field of computer networking. It excels in simulating a variety of network protocols and technologies, both wired and wireless, including emerging Internet systems. ns-3 is Open-source and freely available. It provides an extensible framework that allows users to develop new models and protocols. The simulator supports scripting in both C++ and Python, offering flexibility in simulation design and implementation. Its realistic modeling of network behavior makes it a valuable tool for academic research, enabling the testing of network protocols and architectures under controlled conditions. Read more
Foss : ns-3 Network Simulator - English
Outline: ns-3 version 3.38 Create nodes for the topology Put the network Interface cards together Set the wifi channel attributes Connect the wifi devices to the channel Add MAC addres..
Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Overview of OpenFOAM About OpenFOAM OpenFOAM Capabilities Mesh Generation in OpenFOAM Mesh Conversion in OpenFOAM OpenFOAM Solvers Post-processing Spoken Tutorials availab..
Outline: Installing OpenFOAM in Ubuntu: Public key for package signature verification Add OpenFOAM to package list Install OpenFOAM Install ParaView Accessing .bashrc file User conf..
Outline: Setting-up a Test Case in OpenFOAM: Create Run directory Copy a case from Tutorial directory to Run directory Overview of blockMeshDict Overview of 0 folder Contents of p an..
Outline: Creating 2D Channel Geometry and Mesh in OpenFOAM: 2D channel flow problem description Geometry of the channel Boundaries of the channel Dimensions of coordinates in blockMes..
Outline: Multi-block Meshing of a 2D Geometry in OpenFOAM: Two-block geometry Defining the vertices Defining multiple blocks Meshing parameters of each block Cell Expansion Ratio La..
Outline: Creating 3D Pipe Geometry and Mesh in OpenFOAM: Create a 3D Geometry using blockMeshDict Create a Multi-block geometry and Mesh Mesh a 3D geometry Create arcs in blockMeshDic..
Outline: Simulating Hagen Poiseuille flow through a pipe in OpenFOAM: Set up the boundary conditions Set up the initial conditions Set up the physical properties Set up the solve cont..
Outline: Basic Post Processing using ParaView: Flow through pipe Hagen Poiseuille flow Streamline visualization Glyph visualization Clip the Mesh View internal flow field Plot grap..
Outline: Simulation of a 2D Turbulent Flow in a Channel using OpenFOAM: 2D channel flow problem description Introduction to k-epsilon turbulence model Calculation of yp for a given ypl..
Outline: Turbulence Modelling in OpenFOAM: Create channel geometry with two blocks Set up the blockMeshDict dictionary for a given YPlus value Calculate expansion ratio Implement k-ep..
Outline: Grid Resolution and Convergence in OpenFOAM: Lid-driven Cavity Flow Problem Statement Meshing parameters of Coarse mesh Time-step for Coarse mesh Simulation using icoFoam Pr..
Outline: Simulating 1-D Conduction through a Bar Heat transfer simulation in OpenFoam Conduction simulation in 1D bar Learn about using laplacianFoam Learn about the source code of la..
Outline: Flow in a Convergent-Divergent Nozzle Creating an axi-symmetric geometry in blockMeshDict Solving a compressible flow problem Setting boundary conditions for density based sol..
Foss : OpenModelica - Bengali
Outline: OpenModelica কি OMEdit কি OMEdit এ Perspectives OMEdit এ Browsers OMEdit এ View icons Libraries Browser থেকে একটি Class খোলা Thermal library এর ব্যবহার HeatTransfer library ..
Outline: Modelica লাইব্রেরীর ব্যবহার Electrical লাইব্রেরীর ব্যবহার Analog লাইব্রেরীর ব্যবহার Rectifier ক্লাস খোলা ইনপুট ভ্যারিয়েবল ভ্যালুতে পরিবর্তন ভ্যারিয়েবল ভ্যালু তুলনা করা বিভিন্..
Outline: নতুন Modelica ক্লাস বানানো বিদ্যমান ক্লাস খোলা কনেক্টর্স কনেক্টর্স এর ব্যবহার Resistor, Inductor এবং Capacitor যোগ করা Voltage Source এবং Ground যোগ করা pin কনেক্টর যোগ করা ..
Outline: বিভিন্ন Perspectives সংজ্ঞায়িত করা Libraries Browser সংজ্ঞায়িত করা বিভিন্ন View icons সংজ্ঞায়িত করা নতুন Modelica ক্লাস বানানো Variable এবং Parameter ঘোষিত করা Start এবং Unit ..
Outline: initial equation ব্যবহার করা if-else স্টেটমেন্ট ব্যবহার করা Plotting perspective ব্যবহার করা time এবং state ইভেন্ট হ্যান্ডেল করা reinit() ফাংশন ব্যবহার করা Messages Browser এ ..