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DWSIM series is created using DWSIM version 3.4, 4.3 on Windows. It is an open-source CAPE-OPEN compliant chemical process simulator. It allows us to conduct experiments and analyze data using advanced models and operations. The simulator allows chemical engineering students and chemical engineers to run the simulations and get a better understanding on a phenomenon. Read more

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Foss : DWSIM - Tamil

Outline: Chemical componentகளை சேர்ப்பது Property packageகள், மற்றும், Flash algorithmஐ சேர்ப்பது Unitகளின் systemஐ சேர்ப்பது Flowsheetக்கு , material streamகளை சேர்ப்பது Streamகளின் pr..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: * Launch eSim through terminal * Add components to circuit schematic * Connect the components using wires * Annotate the components * Generate spice netlist * Add source detai..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: 1. Creating a schematic. 2. Assigning Values to components. 3. Annotating the schematic. 4. Performing Electrical Rules Check. 5. Generating a netlist. 6. Setting transient pa..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: * Simulating a circuit. * Removing sources, labels and plots from the schematic. * Adding Connectors to schematic. * Performing annotation, ERC. * Launching Cvpcb. * Segregati..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: * Launching Pcbnew. * Reading .net netlist * Moving footprints. * Orienting footprints. * Selecting working layer. * Creating board outline. * Setting design rules for DRC. ..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: * Launching Pcbnew * Selecting working layer. * Placing a track between two nodes. * Adding a ground plane outline for the board. * Adding a ground plane for the board. * Plac..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: 1.Launching Eeschema. 2. Launching Pcbnew. 3.Selecting working layer. 4.Placing a track between two nodes. 5.Adding Board outline. 6.Adding a ground plane for the board. 7.Ad..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: 1. Introduction to Device Models. 2. Creating a Germanium Diode 1N34A model using the Model Editor feature. 3. Adding parameters of Germanium 1N34A. 4. Opening the Diode Charac..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: 1. Introduction to Device Models. 2. Downloading ans saving the Schottky.lib file. 3. Uploading an spice Schottky Diode model. 4. The lib and the xml file of Schottky will be in..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: 1. Introduction to Subcircuit Builder. 2. Creating a subcrcuit of Half Adder in eeschema. 3. Connecting Ports. 4. Generating KiCad netlist for the subcircuit. 5. Generating Ngs..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: 1. Introduction to Edit subcircuit feature. 2. Editing an existing Half Adder subcircuit. 3. Adding an Inverter gate to the output of AND gate. 4. Adding Port. 5. Generating K..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: 1. Introduction to subcircuit. 2. Introduction to Upload feature in the Subcircuit Builder. 3. Downloading and saving the 'FA using NAND. sub' file on Desktop 4. Uploading the s..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: Introduction to Mixed signal simulation Features of NGHDL and VHDL file About Ngspice Digital Model Creator Upload VHDL file in Ngspice digital model creator tab Add and remov..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: Opening a file in Makerchip tab File formats supported by the Makerchip tab Editing a file in Makerchip tab Options in the Makerchip tab Options in the NgVeri tab Run Verilog ..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: About Accept Makerchip TOS option About Edit in Makerchip option About Log tab Removing errors in the Makerchip IDE Edit in Makerchip IDE Compile Code in Makerchip IDE Run Ma..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: Create a model of full_adder in eSim using Ngveri About Add Other File option Create a model of 8bit_vedic_multiplier in eSim using NgVeri About Add Folder option About Edit li..


Foss : eSim - English

Outline: Launch Modelica Converter Open a project in eSim Run Modelica Converter Browse to the netlist Convert the netlist to model file Add path to the OpenModelica executable Load O..


Foss : ExpEYES - Bengali

Outline: ExpEYES Junior যন্ত্র সম্পর্কে ব্যাখ্যা করা বৈশিষ্ট্য যন্ত্রটি অনলাইন কিভাবে কেনে লিনাক্স, উইন্ডোজ, অ্যান্ড্রয়েড এবং নোটবুকে সংস্থাপন সিস্টেমে সংযোগ একটি সহজ পরীক্ষণ দেখানো


Foss : ExpEYES - Bengali

Outline: উপরের প্যানেলের বিভিন্ন টার্মিনাল ব্যাখ্যা করা এক্সেসরী সেট ব্যাখ্যা করা প্লট উইন্ডো ব্যাখ্যা করা অহমের সূত্র দেখানো শ্রেণী এবং সমান্তরাল রোধের সংযোগ দেখানো সার্কিট ডায়াগ্রাম..


Foss : ExpEYES - Bengali

Outline: পাইথনের ভূমিকা প্লট উইন্ডো এবং পাইথন ব্যবহার করে AC ভোল্টেজ পরিমাপ করা সাইন তরঙ্গ বানানো পাইথন ব্যবহার করে বহিরাগত এবং অভ্যন্তরীণ ভোল্টেজ পরিমাপ করা প্লট উইন্ডো এবং পাইথন ব্য..
