The tutorials in this series are created using Arduino 1.6.9 on Ubuntu 14.04. Arduino is open source hardware, open source software and micro-controller based kit.It is used for building digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and control physical devices. For programming the micro-controllers, Arduino provides an IDE (Integrated development environment) which supports the C and C++ languages. Read more
Foss : Arduino - English
Outline: Learning objectives of Arduino Prerequisites for learning Basic level Arduino tutorials Prerequisites for learning Intermediate level Arduino tutorials Who can use Arduino? Gli..
Outline: Breadboard and its internal connections LED and its connections Tri-color LED Resistor Simple circuit using LED, resistor and breadboard Common mistakes when using breadboard ..
Outline: About Arduino device Features of Arduino Components of Arduino board Description of Microcontrollers Few examples where a Microcontroller is used Installation of Arduino IDE o..
Outline: Set up a physical connection between Arduino and a computer Connect the Arduino board to the computer using the USB cable Various components available in Arduino hardware ..
Outline: Write an Arduino program to blink an LED Arduino program is saved as Sketch Default program environment with two empty functions - void setup - functi..
Outline: Tricolor LED - Common Cathode Tricolor LED Other external devices that are required for this experiment Understand the connection circuit details Connect a tricolor LED to Ardu..
Outline: Connect an LCD to Arduino board See the details of the circuit connection See how to do the soldering Setup the components as per th..
Outline: Connect an LCD and a Push button to Arduino board. Use the same circuit created earlier using Arduino and LCD Add a pushbutton and make a simple counter Learn the connection ci..
Outline: Connect a seven segment display to Arduino board Types of seven segment display Connection details of common cathode seven segment display Connection details of common anode sev..
Outline: About Pulse Width Modulation About duty cycle and frequency Formula to calculate the duty cycle Experiment to control the brightness of LED by varying the duty cycle Experiment..
Outline: About DHT11 sensor Arduino resolution concepts Circuit connection details of DHT11 sensor and Arduino Features of DHT11 Live setup of the connection Download the DHT11 Arduino..
Outline: About ESP8266-01 WiFi module Various pins of ESP8266-01 WiFi module Circuit connection of ESP8266 - 01 module with Arduino Live setup of the connection Setup the read-write per..
Outline: About IoT IoT system components About Thingspeak platform Create an account in Thingspeak Login to the account and create a new channel Enter the channel information Show the..
Outline: External components required for sending data to the cloud About MQTT Protocol Circuit connection of DHT11 and WiFi module with Arduino Setup the MB102 module on Breadboard Cir..
Outline: Components required to build a Robot About soldering DC motors Acrylic Robot Chassis with screws and nuts Steps to mount the motor on the Chassis Fixing the wheels of the Robot..
Outline: Components required for Bluetooth communication About Bluetooth communication About Data Mode and AT Command Mode Circuit connection details of Arduino board and HC-05 Bluetooth..
Outline: Write an assembly program to display a digit on seven segment display Arduino - Assembly code reference Arduino ATmega328 Pin mapping Connection circuit details Installing AVR..
Outline: Write an assembly to verify the logical AND operation Use the file that is available in the code files link of this tutorial. Explanation of the Source code for logi..
Outline: Interface a LCD to Arduino board Pin connections details of the Arduino and LCD Image showing the connections Live set up of the connections Write an AVR-GCC program to display..