Analog to Digital Conversion - English
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How to get certificate after completing all the video that is provided in this course.
04-05M 20-30S
Answer last updated on: March 19, 2023, 9:44 a.m.
A to D converter
Can you share the data sheet of DHT11 sensor? What is the configuration of DHT11 sensor?
01-02M 0-10S rjangir
Answer last updated on: June 4, 2020, 1:09 p.m.
is DHT11 an analog sensor?
It is said in the video that Arduino will take analog data from DHT11 and gives to Arduino. According to Datasheet of DHT11, it is digital sensor sending the data of temperature and humidity in 40 bits or 5 bytes format. Moreover if we connect a DHT11 to any digital pins then also it works properly. So how can we say DHT11 as an analog sensor?According to me, for this tutorial LM35 or simple potentiometer is good and more relevant example than this one.
01-02M 10-20S tjmehta
Answer last updated on: Jan. 22, 2020, 4 p.m.
1Overview of Arduino
2Electronic components and connections
3Introduction to Arduino
4Arduino components and IDE
5First Arduino Program
6Arduino with Tricolor LED and Push button
7Arduino with LCD
8Display counter using Arduino
9Seven Segment Display
10Pulse Width Modulation
Analog to Digital Conversion
12Wireless Connectivity to Arduino
13Introduction to IoT
14Sending data to the cloud using IoT devices
15Assembly of Robot
16Robot Control using Bluetooth
17Assembly programming through Arduino
18Digital Logic Design with Arduino
19AVR-GCC programming through Arduino
20Interfacing LCD through AVR-GCC programming
21Mixing Assembly and C programming
22Getting Ready for Arduino FLOSS
23Arduino Programming with Scilab and Xcos
24Arduino Programming with Python
25Arduino Programming with Julia
26Arduino Programming with OpenModelica
27Arduino on Cloud
Questions posted on ST Forums:
12683 visits
About DHT11 sensor Arduino resolution concepts Circuit connection details of DHT11 sensor and Arduino Features of DHT11 Live setup of the connection Download the DHT11 Arduino library to run this program. Code to detect the temperature and humidity using DHT11 sensor Compile and upload the program Display the output in the Serial Monitor screen Display the output in the Serial Plotter screen
Width: | 1018 | Height: | 760 |
Duration: | 00:09:46 | Size: | 4.7 MB |
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