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The tutorials in this series are creating Anroid Studio version 3.x. Anroid Phone with Anroid v 4.03 on Ubuntu Linux 16.04. Android is an open source and Linux-based Operating System for mobile devices such as smartphones and tablet computers. Android Studio is the official IDE for android application development. App development on Android was almost exclusively done using the Java programming language. Kotlin is a new open source programming language built by JetBrains, known for IntelliJ IDEA (Android Studio is based on IntelliJ IDEA). Kotlin is a language that runs on the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). Google has announced Kotlin as an official language on Android. Kotlin, is a statically typed programming language for the JVM, Android and the browser. It’s deep interoperability with Java, which attracts more Java developers. It is tools-friendly as IDE gives suggestions for Kotlin code, can convert Java code to Kotlin code. It is expressive to make your code more readable and understandable. Read more

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Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Introduction about Basic level tutorials Introduction about Intermediate level tutorials About Android studio About Kotlin Features of Kotlin Glimpse of Spoken Tutorials avail..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Installation of Android Studio System prerequisites for installation Demonstration on how to install Android Studio on Ubuntu Linux OS Download from


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Launch the Android studio Create a new Android Studio project Steps for creating a new Application How to create a new activity? Explore the Android Studio interface Steps to ..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Creating a simple registration form How to use tools such as TextView, Plain Text and Buttons? Add a TextView and set the attributes How to align and resize a view in Constraint..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Open an existing Android Studio Project Why we need Radio Group? How to add Radio Group? Set the attributes for Radio Group How to add Radio button? Set the text attribute for..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Open an existing Android Studio Project How to add Spinner? Set the attributes for spinner Add list of items to spinner through kotlin code Create an array adapter Source code..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Create a new Android Studio project as ST search Data identification in Spoken tutorial server Design the App with Text views, Spinner and Search button How to store the FOSS an..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: About Spoken tutorial server About API Spoken Tutorial URL format How to make a request to the URL? Add the dependency of Volley library and Picasso Add the required code to ..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: About RecyclerView Add RecyclerView and set its attributes Create a custom layout Add ImageView to display the thumbnail of videos Add TextView to display the video title and v..


Foss : Android app using Kotlin - English

Outline: Create a new project in Google cloud Generate the API key and save it Enable the YouTube API How to use YouTubePlayerView provided by YouTube Initialize the view to play a vide..
