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The Tutorials in this series are created using HTML 5 on Ubuntu Linux v 16.04. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. Read more

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Foss : HTML - English

Outline: HTML Overview About HTML The content available in various tutorials in this series My First HTML Program Elements, Tags and Attributes Formatting Tags Styles..


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: My First HTML Program: Structure of an html document Write a sample html program html, head & body sections title tag H1 heading tag Save the html program .html and .htm ..


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: Elements, Tags and Attributes in HTML: Elements Empty elements Nested elements Tags Self Closing Tags Attributes Common Attributes Single and Double Quoted Attributes Br..


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: Formatting Tags Text Formatting Tags -Paragraph -Heading -Bold -Italic -Small -Underline -Delete -Insert -Super Script -Sub Script Break Tag Horizontal Ruler Anch..


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: Styles and CSS Inline style, Style Attribute, Style tag, CSS, Common Style Attributes: - text align, - font-family, - font-size, - colour, - Background Colour, ..


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: Lists in HTML What is list? Types of List: - Ordered List - Unordered List - Description List List Attributes - Ordered List Types - Unordered List styles N..


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: Tables in HTML Tables Table Elements: - caption - table row - table heading - table definition Table Attributes: - Spacing - Padding - Border - Width -..


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: Phrase Tags in HTML Comments - Single line comment - Multiline comment Phrase tags - Strong - Emphasised - Marked - Abbreviation - Quote - Cite - Code - P..


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: DOCTYPE and Head Section DOCTYPE Doctype Declaration Head Section Title tag Style tag Script tag Meta tag Link tag Base tag Keywords CSS JavaS..


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: Embedding Images in HTML How to embed an image using img tag Image Source attribute Alternative text for the image Downloading image from the internet Searching reusable ima..


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: Embedding Audio and Video in HTML Embed an audio file using audio tag Embed a video file using video tag HTML5 supported audio formats HTML5 supported video formats Provide ..


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: Block level elements Inline elements div tag span tag HTML5 layouts Header tag Footer tag Navigation tag Article tag aside tag


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: Forms in HTML About Forms Creating a simple form Form elements Input tag Label tag Button tag Input types Text type Email type Password type


Foss : HTML - English

Outline: More on Forms in HTML Form Input types Date type Radio button type Number type Form Elements Select Datalist Fieldset Form Methods GET metho..
