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The Tutorials in this series are created in OpenFOAM 2.1.0 on Ubuntu 10.04. OpenFOAM (Open Source Field Operation and Manipulation) is an open source CFD software package developed by the OpenFOAM team at ESI and distributed by the OpenFOAM Foundation. OpenFOAM is a CFD toolbox, written in C++ and these C++ libraries are used to create executables, known as applications. The OpenFOAM distribution contains numerous solvers and utilities covering a wide range of CFD problems. In this tutorial series, all the three stages in a CFD simulation, namely pre-processing, running, and post-processing, are focused in-depth. The first two stages are demonstrated in this series using version 7 of OpenFOAM, while ParaView 5.6.0 is used for post-processing. In addition to software training, this tutorial series also strives to demonstrate the basic CFD concepts for better understanding of various OpenFOAM solvers and utilities. Being an open source software, OpenFOAM can be useful to technical institutes who cannot afford expensive licenses of commercial CFD software. The students and teachers trying to learn OpenFOAM through this series are expected to have some basic knowledge of CFD and Linux commands. The Spoken Tutorials were developed using OpenFOAM Version 7, however, learners who use OpenFOAM Version 9 can also use it. The Spoken Tutorials has necessary support for learners who use OpenFOAM Version 9. Read more
Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Overview of OpenFOAM About OpenFOAM OpenFOAM Capabilities Mesh Generation in OpenFOAM Mesh Conversion in OpenFOAM OpenFOAM Solvers Post-processing Spoken Tutorials availab..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Installing OpenFOAM in Ubuntu: Public key for package signature verification Add OpenFOAM to package list Install OpenFOAM Install ParaView Accessing .bashrc file User conf..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Setting-up a Test Case in OpenFOAM: Create Run directory Copy a case from Tutorial directory to Run directory Overview of blockMeshDict Overview of 0 folder Contents of p an..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Creating 2D Channel Geometry and Mesh in OpenFOAM: 2D channel flow problem description Geometry of the channel Boundaries of the channel Dimensions of coordinates in blockMes..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Multi-block Meshing of a 2D Geometry in OpenFOAM: Two-block geometry Defining the vertices Defining multiple blocks Meshing parameters of each block Cell Expansion Ratio La..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Creating 3D Pipe Geometry and Mesh in OpenFOAM: Create a 3D Geometry using blockMeshDict Create a Multi-block geometry and Mesh Mesh a 3D geometry Create arcs in blockMeshDic..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Simulating Hagen Poiseuille flow through a pipe in OpenFOAM: Set up the boundary conditions Set up the initial conditions Set up the physical properties Set up the solve cont..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Basic Post Processing using ParaView: Flow through pipe Hagen Poiseuille flow Streamline visualization Glyph visualization Clip the Mesh View internal flow field Plot grap..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Simulation of a 2D Turbulent Flow in a Channel using OpenFOAM: 2D channel flow problem description Introduction to k-epsilon turbulence model Calculation of yp for a given ypl..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Turbulence Modelling in OpenFOAM: Create channel geometry with two blocks Set up the blockMeshDict dictionary for a given YPlus value Calculate expansion ratio Implement k-ep..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Grid Resolution and Convergence in OpenFOAM: Lid-driven Cavity Flow Problem Statement Meshing parameters of Coarse mesh Time-step for Coarse mesh Simulation using icoFoam Pr..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Simulating 1-D Conduction through a Bar Heat transfer simulation in OpenFoam Conduction simulation in 1D bar Learn about using laplacianFoam Learn about the source code of la..

Foss : OpenFOAM version 7 - English
Outline: Flow in a Convergent-Divergent Nozzle Creating an axi-symmetric geometry in blockMeshDict Solving a compressible flow problem Setting boundary conditions for density based sol..