Madam/Sir, How the program shown there with classes Person, Employee an Student were following the rule of Abstraction because somehow we are able to access the Abstract Class Person with creating an object of it using a constructor calling of another class say Employee in main method. It means Person p1=new Employee("John", Ee125, 26....);.Also without extending the class in which main method is there from class Person how we're we able to call it using constructor of other class say Employee because neither Person nor Employee is extended, even if it would have been the constructor of class Person then also how could it be possible to do it without extending it to the class where main method is located?
Sir, my first question was that how can we chain a class object, say Student 33 or Employee33 with that of abstract class as shown in Demo33. I have done a similar thing which is nearabout same which you answered as a chain of Class marks in the forum section today.Q2) In file we used the object of abstract class say Person33 and used the constructor of a subclass say Employee33 to send the user details (here it's bydefault written as say,. Begum Akhthar or Hariprasad Chaurasia etc.) now that thing I wanted to implement in my program while using chain of objects for multiple employees. I am not saying my program is correct and other things are wrong but I want to learn this concept very well so that in future I should not face difficulty with the knowledge. I know the code is long but you are the professor, hope you can solve this easily. is the one similar to what taught during abstract classes tutorial one is written by me.You will see error in terminal/ execution This is with respect to object creation of abstract class through non abstract subclass
Sir,can you please explain the meaning of the term "Implimentation" in the java(in that statment)?
what are the main difference between abstract class and interface?..
Please I don't understand the point "No opening and closing parenthesis ()". Please is it "No opening and closing curly bracket{}" or "No opening and closing parenthesis ()". Thank you.
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Outline:- Abstract Classes in Java - What are Abstract Methods - What are Concrete Methods - Properties of Abstract Methods and Abstract Classes - How to use Abstract Methods
- Abstract Classes in Java - What are Abstract Methods - What are Concrete Methods - Properties of Abstract Methods and Abstract Classes - How to use Abstract Methods
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