Hello!Please inform us the way to post assignment.Thanks
How to perform assignments?
can we perform assignment online any lab setup or any cloud setup or we have to install moodle on our system.
Not clear idea about sub categories.
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Outline:Understanding categories in Moodle Organizing categories in Moodle Manage categories page layout Changing the view of the manage categories page Creating a new category in Moodle Adding subcategory to a category Editing a category in Moodle How to sort categories in Moodle Moving a subcategory under a different category in Moodle
Understanding categories in Moodle Organizing categories in Moodle Manage categories page layout Changing the view of the manage categories page Creating a new category in Moodle Adding subcategory to a category Editing a category in Moodle How to sort categories in Moodle Moving a subcategory under a different category in Moodle
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