Hello. Completing the assignment for user rule, I closed the moodle page. Today, after installing Plugins, when I tried to open moodle and log in, it is showing invalid . When I tried for forgot password option , Moodle team requested me to open another account where the dashboard was blank. So not able to proceed further. Please send instructions. Please note, I am working on Windows 8.
hello still my moodle is not registered on moodle website what should I do?
sir, login through teacher rebecca rayomd is not able to login,i have selected teacher for calculus and user name is decky0B0B
Teacher has to upload CSV file.. while enrolling the student...What is CSV file exactly?
How to extract csv file from rar file.
My college has not taken access to Moodle 3.3. Can I use gnomio for practicing....Second.....The earlier videos were not much understood by me as I am a teacher from a different discipline. This video was quite clear...Am unable to understand the technical software information of earlier tutorials... how to go about???? please guide..
Hi!I am Dr. Sukhpal Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Basic and Applied Sciences, Punjabi University, Patiala, Punjab (INDIA).The content of this particular segment namely "Teachers Dashboard in Moodle" is very informative and really useful for teachers. I have just small inquiry: Personally, I am supposed to teach two courses (1) Applied Physics-II to B.Tech. Students and (2) Radiation Physics to M.Sc. Physics students.But on my dashboard, I can see only one course to teach i.e. Applied Physics-II but not the second one.How can I add the second course to my dashboard?Thank you!Dr. Sukhpal Singh
In this video you have asked us to go to the browser and type the moodle site. Which site are you referring to? You have also stated that the admin must have created the site. Who is the admin ? How am I supposed to do my assignments now? As a teacher, do I have to install moodle on my machine ? Kindly guide.
I have created the moodle website https://smceconomics.moodlecloud.com/The edit icon is hidden under User Data icon and not accessible...Hence can not be operated unless editing is enabled...Moving cursor up and down has not helped...The icon goeup further and becomes inaccessible..Kindly help...Manisha Pimpalkhare
How to Upload cvc file
How to remove participants from a Moodle course
How can one add course in the teacher dashboard being in admin login?
How to copy and paste file in data from .odt file in page content?
How to create moodle?
Dear sir I had assigned linear algebric subject for Rebacca raymond as teacher but it was not displayed in the dash board
Can it is helpful for teacher?
If I have upload some videos in my course then which way I can identified how many students watch these video?
How to upload study material for particular course?
How to Upload CSV file of User to create user
How to hide the correct answers from others who have already attempted the quiz on Moodle before time?
How to create blog preferences?
When i log in as User Rebecca Linear Algebra and Calculus is coming in Future tab but in video it is coming in In Progress tab. Where i am mistaking can some one help me
How do I manually enter grades for assignment
Is there any specific format to upload the word file on Moodle?
How to hide the quiz from the other group members
How to perform assignments ?
Hello Teacher,Can I change the information like first-name, surname and most important is email address?
the system requirements which is listed in the video, which we want to note it down? or this video can be accessible after this coordinator workshop. since these details are needed to conduct workshop on 15th march
20882 visits
Outline:Uses of Moodle for a teacher Teacher's dashboard in Moodle Blocks on teacher's dashboard Preparing course overview in Moodle Course overview of Calculus course as an example Structuring of a course based on course overview Editing and updating profile in Moodle Preferences page in Moodle Calendar preferences Adding course details in Moodle
Uses of Moodle for a teacher Teacher's dashboard in Moodle Blocks on teacher's dashboard Preparing course overview in Moodle Course overview of Calculus course as an example Structuring of a course based on course overview Editing and updating profile in Moodle Preferences page in Moodle Calendar preferences Adding course details in Moodle
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