What are the steps that need to be followed to create a CSV file?
I want to enroll user to a course by using .cvs file .My user is already registered . I want to create new course . for this courser I want to enroll users as a teacher using .CVS fileplease provide solution
what are the steps that need to be followed to create a CSV file?
what are the steps that need to be followed to create a csv file?
what are the steps that need to followed to create a csv file?
What are the steps that need to the followed to create a CSV file?
what are the steps to follow to create a CSV file?
What are the steps that need to be followed to create a csv file?
What are the steps to create a csv file?
What are the steps to create a CSV file??
What are the steps that need to be followed to create a CSV file?..
What are the steps that need to be followed for CSV file?
what are the steps need to be followed to create a CSV file?
What are the steps involved in creating the file?
What are the steps that need to be followed to create CSV file ?
What are steps need to be followed to create a CSV file?
What are the steps that need to be followed to create a CSV file ?
concept of suspending a user is not clear? please explain in detail.
what are the step that need to be followed to create a CSV file
Hello , How can we create a CSV file ?
I have added Priya sinha and rebecca raymond and added them as administrators. When I select Linear algebra and go to enrolled users noneof the names are there.
what are the steps that need to be followed to create CSV File
How the CSV files are installed
what are the steps in creating csv file?
How many maximum users and courses we can create using Genomio moodle?
What are the steps needed to build a csv file
What are the steps that need to be followed in order to create a CSV file?
Dear Sir/Madam,Is it allowed to add own information in User added csv file.
Could it be possible to add two teachers in same course?As sometimes they share courses. If yes then how.
concept not clear propertly, will you please explain with two more illustrations
How to delete a user from admin role?
Sir,Kindly help me in the following regard.. where to download sample csv file to add bulk user?I can find only 17 spoken tutorials under moodle section.
How to restrict the login times of users of moodle?
User name specification if any? Or can we start with special character for user name?Max Length for username?
Can there is a provision of giving rights to non editing teacher as an option of edit in Virtual programming lab as time of paper checking or grading marks
user added through .CSV file is not showing in the course Calculus
I have downloaded .csv file to upload users but it is saving as extension zip, while uploading it I am unable to see .csv
Deleting a user causes deletion of all his records. Incase of any verification regarding that user, is there any other alternate to retrieve his records. Please give clearance on this scenario.
20746 visits
Outline:Add a new user in Moodle manually Understanding mandatory and optional fields in user creation Edit a user's profile in Moodle How to delete a user? How to suspend a user? Upload users in bulk in Moodle Understanding the CSV file required for uploading users in bulk Mandatory and optional fields in CSV file Assigning courses and roles to users through bulk upload CSV file Browse list of users
Add a new user in Moodle manually Understanding mandatory and optional fields in user creation Edit a user's profile in Moodle How to delete a user? How to suspend a user? Upload users in bulk in Moodle Understanding the CSV file required for uploading users in bulk Mandatory and optional fields in CSV file Assigning courses and roles to users through bulk upload CSV file Browse list of users
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