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The Tutorials in this series are created using Koha on Ubuntu 16.04. Koha is a first open source Integrated Library System (ILS), used world-wide. Read more

About 1286 results found.
  1. Instruction Sheet
  2. Brochures

Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: Cataloging Log in with Library Staff, user-name and password Select +New record as Books Add MARC record Under tab 0: 000-Leader, ..


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: Patron Category: Post Graduate student, Spoken Tutorial Library As a Superlibrarian, define circulation and fine rules for Spoken Tutorial Library ..


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: Catalog a Serial publication- With the title- Indian Journal of Microbiology Volume-57 Number- 1 Quarterly publication for the month of- Jan to..


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: 1. Create a new vendor- Give a name to the vendor Add an email id Check the check-boxes for- Primary acquisitions contact, Primary seri..


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: Login to Koha as Superlibrarian OR as a Patron who has Serials control rights. On Serials page- enter the title of the journal. A new page, Serial..


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: As Superlibrarian on the Acquisitions page- Budgets, Close. Select a Budget-Duplicate Budget Move remaining unspent funds


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: Superlibrarian-Global system preferences Acquisitions preferences Enhanced Content Enhanced Content prefe..


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: Web Browser Search- Library catalog Library items Relevance Refine Your Search Advanced Search- Search for ..


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: Access your Library Account as a patron Patron Reena Shah Checked out item OPAC interface Carts ..


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: What is Z39.50? Superlibrarian account Koha administration Additional parameters Z39.50/SRU servers administration ..


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: Installation of MarcEditor on Windows. Excel spreadsheet MARCEDIT DEVELOPMENT .mrk format ..


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: MarcEdit 7 Export Tab Delimited Text Source File .mrk format .(dot)xlsx file Excel XML File(*.xlsx) Downloads TestDa..


Foss : Koha Library Management System - English

Outline: Superlibrarian account Section Catalog Stage MARC records for import Stage records into the reservoir Downloads ..


Foss : KTouch - English

Outline: Start Typing Initiate the user into typing using Ktouch Install Ktouch using Ubuntu Software Centre. Overview of the Interface. Explain the ..


Foss : KTouch - English

Outline: Set level, speed, correctness and configure toolbars The topic will assist the user to: Adjust the levels of typing. Set the typing speed. Set the correctness ..


Foss : KTouch - English

Outline: Create a New Lecture and Keyboard The user will create a new lecture by entering new characters to learn, saving the new lecture as an XML file, viewing the new lecture f..


Foss : KTurtle - English

Outline: Introduction to KTurtle About KTurtle Installing KTurtle Exploring Angles Repeat Loops Drawing Basic Mathematical Structures Setting Canvas and Pen ..


Foss : KTurtle - English

Outline: Grammar of TurtleScript Commands Comments Numbers Variables Strings Mathematical Operators Comparison Operators if-else Conditions


Foss : KTurtle - English

Outline: * "learn" command * Example of "learn" command * "random" command * Explaination about "random" command * Example of "random" command * example of "learn" and "random" togethe..


Foss : KTurtle - English

Outline: * Write a program in KTurtle * Use of variables to store input * Use of print command * Comment a line * Explanation of Turtle * Controlling program exection * Use of "sqrt" ..
