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The Tutorials in this series are created using JDK 1.6 on Ubuntu 11.10. It is a free and open source high level programming language,simple as well as object oriented language. Read more

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Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: Instance fields *Also known as non-static fields *Open the TestStudent class which we have created *Access the fields roll_number and name using dot operator *See the out..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: Methods *method definition * write simple method * method returning value * call a method in another method * flow of the program * call a static method ..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: Default Constructor *what is a constructor? *what is a default constructor? *when is it called? *define a constructor *initialize the variables *call the constructor ..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: Parameterized Constructor *What is a parameterized constructor? *create constructor without parameter *create a constructor with parameter *assign values to the variables..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: Using this keyword *this is a reference to the current object *helps to avoid name conflicts *we can use this keyword inside a constructor to call another one *the constr..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: Non-static block Any code written between two curly brackets Executed for each object that is created Executes before constructor's execution can initialize ins..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: Constructor overloading *define multiple constructor * what is constructor overloading? *constructor with different number of parameters. *parameters with different datat..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: Method overloading *define multiple methods. *methods with same name. *methods with different number of parameters. *methods with different datatypes of parameter. *wha..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: Taking user input in Java *What is BufferedReader? *Importing three classes from package *How to take the input from the user? *Syntax to implement BufferedReader..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: Definition of subclassing Demo of subclassing using an Employee and Manager class Single inheritance Use of extends keyword Private members in a super class Definition of meth..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: super keyword Call methods of the super class Constructor of the super class Demo of super keyword using an Employee and Manager class Single inheritance Use of extends keywo..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: final keyword What is final keyword and its application? Where final keyword can be declared? final variable final static variables static block final variable as parameter ..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: Polymorphism in Java Run-time polymorphism Virtual Method Invocation Compile-time polymorphism Role of JVM What is IS-A test? What is Static binding? What is Dynamic binding..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: - Abstract Classes in Java - What are Abstract Methods - What are Concrete Methods - Properties of Abstract Methods and Abstract Classes - How to use Abstract Methods


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: - Java Interfaces - Implementing Interface - Implementation Classes - Interfaces Vs Abstract classes - Implementing Multiple Interfaces - Usage of Interfaces with an example


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: What is Static Variable in Java? Usage of Static Variables with Example Static Variables Vs Instance Variables Final Static Constants


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: - What is static method in Java? - Static methods Vs Instance methods - Usage of static method with example - Passing object variables in a static method


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: - What is a static block - Declaring and defining a static block - How static blocks are invoked and executed


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: - What is an Exception - Types of Exceptions - Checked Exceptions - Unchecked Exceptions - Explaining ''ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException'' - Demonstrating Check..


Foss : Java - Manipuri

Outline: - What is a Custom Exception - Demonstration of custom exception - Custom exception example - "InvalidMarkException" - Usage of "throw" keyword - How to resolve errors in custo..
